
  • 【人名】Daniel Wu
  1. TimeOut专访,吴彦祖与两人关于他们这部高利润专利作品的对话。

    Exclusively for Time Out , Daniel Wu talks to the duo about their lucrative franchise .

  2. 在他最新主演的惊悚片《控制》(Control)中,吴彦祖扮演一个被神秘人物要挟不得不铤而走险的保险推销员。

    In his latest film , the thriller ' Control , ' Mr. Wu plays an insurance salesman under the deadly grip of a mysterious blackmailer .

  3. 吴彦祖(DanielWu)过去几年一直特别忙。

    The past few years have been particularly busy for Daniel Wu .

  4. 该剧的主人公有Sunny(吴彦祖饰),他是最为传奇的“快闪人”和杀手。从9岁开始杀人的他,已经杀死400多人(每杀一个人,他都会在背部纹上一个标记)。

    They are Sunny ( Daniel Wu ) , the most legendary Clipper and killer ever , tallying more than 400 kills since age 9 ( each one a mark tattooed on his back ) .

  5. 《亚洲名人聊天室》今日访谈演员兼导演的吴彦祖!

    Talk Asia sits down with actor , director Daniel Wu .

  6. 演员兼导演吴彦祖:没错,的确如此。

    DANIEL WU , ACTOR AND DIRECTOR : Yeah , definitely .

  7. 片中这一倒霉的角色叫马克,由吴彦祖饰演。

    The unfortunate one here is Mark , played by Daniel Wu .

  8. 吴彦祖在本片中演技纯熟。

    Wu is certainly an adept actor in this film .

  9. 演员兼导演吴彦祖:非常谢谢你。


  10. 吴彦祖通常连续几天有很多场打戏,要兼顾两个镜头。

    Wu was often doubling up on days , going to both shoots .

  11. 演员兼导演吴彦祖:我一定不会相信。

    DANIEL WU , ACTOR AND DIRECTOR : I wouldn 't have believed it .

  12. 演员兼导演吴彦祖:我现在正在扩张向己的生意版图。

    DANIEL WU , ACTOR AND DIRECTOR : I 'm now kind of expanding business-wise .

  13. 吴彦祖说,“这部剧讲述了他如何弃暗投明。”

    The series is about him coming out of this darkness , " Wu says .

  14. 吴彦祖真的太会玩了!

    Daniel Wu Really can play !

  15. 在主创和制片人的说服之下,吴彦祖最终同意接受这个角色。

    After prodding from the creators and producers , Mr. Wu finally agreed to take the role .

  16. 拍了60多部电影后,吴彦祖成为红遍香港和内地的电影明星。

    Sixty-plus films later , Wu is a big movie star in Hong Kong and Chinese mainland .

  17. 吴彦祖在提问时看著我,似乎与过去相比,现在他的问题聼起来更无需作答。

    Wu asks while looking at me , even if his question now sounds more rhetorical than ever .

  18. 吴彦祖认为《荒芜之地》还原了真正的功夫,同时又有所突破。

    Wu thinks " Into the Badlands " stays true to the kung fu genre while also pushing it forward .

  19. “但这个里程碑差点被混迹香港影坛18年的吴彦祖忽视过去。”

    But it 's a milestone that Mr. Wu nearly overlooked , having starred in Hong Kong films for 18 years .

  20. 关于担任该剧的主演,吴彦祖有些担心的是剧中激烈的打斗戏。

    Part of Wu 's concern about signing on as the lead actor stems from the show 's intense fight scenes .

  21. 1997年吴彦祖从美国俄勒冈大学毕业后,在香港穷游了三个月。

    After Daniel Wu graduated from the University of Oregon in 1997 , he traveled around Hong Kong for three months on a limited budget .

  22. 我真的越来越佩服吴彦祖了,这两天看到他的一个视频,希望和大家分享一下。

    I admired Daniel Wu really and more and more , this two days see one of his video frequency , hope and everyone share once .

  23. 剧集的主创们选择了香港影星吴彦祖饰演主角桑尼,他已经出演过60多部影片。

    The show 's creators selected Mr. Wu , a Hong Kong star with more than 60 films to his credit , for the role of Sunny .

  24. 其中之一就有丹尼尔·吴(吴彦祖),琼斯对吴彦祖在片中出色扮演的古尔丹(兽人的领袖)十分赞赏。

    One of them is Daniel Wu , whom he can 't stop singing praises for amazingly portraying his character Gul'dan , the leader of the Orcs .

  25. 过去的一年多来,吴彦祖迎娶了一位顶级模特,组建了他的制作公司,并和罗素·克劳以及凯文·史贝西演对手戏。

    In slightly over a year , Daniel Wu has married a top model , established his own production company and starred opposite both Russell Crowe and Kevin Spacey .

  26. 39岁的吴彦祖出生在加拿大。他跟《华尔街日报》记者谈到了自己在香港从一个“外人”变成“自己人”的经历,谈到他在美国拍片时遇到的挑战,还有他七个月大的女儿。

    The 39-year-old California-born actor spoke with the Journal about going from outsider to insider in Hong Kong , the challenges of working in the U.S. , and his 7-month-old daughter .

  27. 吴彦祖出生在加利福尼亚州伯克利,在奥林达附近长大,一开始是作为武术方面的执行制片人参与到这部剧集中来。

    Born in Berkeley , Calif. , and raised in nearby Orinda , Mr. Wu was initially brought on board as an executive producer involved in the martial arts side of the series .

  28. 吴彦祖说:我们厌倦了这个行业的一些问题,希望发挥一点影响力,做点不一样的事。

    ' We 're just tired of what we see going wrong with the industry , ' Mr. Wu says . ' We want to have a little bit of influence and just do things differently . '

  29. 还有吴彦祖,他是美国电视界最缺少的那种男演员:一个剧情类连续剧中浪漫的亚裔美国主角(这类演员主要限制在喜剧类别里,比如短命的《再造淑女》[Selfie]和《疯狂前女友》[CrazyEx-Girlfriend])。

    And then there 's Mr. Wu , that rarest of actors on American TV : an Asian-American romantic lead in a drama series ( members of that tiny fraternity have been largely confined to comedies , including the short-lived " Selfie " and " Crazy Ex-Girlfriend " ) .

  30. 1982年,吴彦祖的爷爷带他去看李连杰的第一部电影《少林寺》后,他就喜欢上了武术。说服母亲让他习武很难,但她最终还是改变主意答应了,吴彦祖也因此有了一个武术教练。

    Wu became interested in martial arts after his grandfather took him to see a Jet Li 's first movie , 1982 's " The Shaolin Temple . " It was a hard sell to get his mother on board , but eventually she came around and he got an instructor .