
  • 网络Shintaro Ishihara
  1. 这起纠纷在今年升级,至少在一定程度上是因为东京都知事石原慎太郎(shintaroishihara)发起行动,要从私人所有者手中买下这些岛屿。

    The dispute escalated this year after Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara started a campaign to buy them from their private owner .

  2. 对中国持公开批评态度的右翼东京都知事石原慎太郎(shintaroishihara)已经辞职,以成立一个新的政党,重返全国政坛。

    Shintaro Ishihara , the rightwing Tokyo governor and an outspoken critic of China , has resigned to form a new political party and return to national politics .

  3. 石原慎太郎已与现年43岁、颇具个人魅力的大阪市长桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)结成了竞选联盟,并成为桥下彻的“日本维新会”(JapanRestorationparty)的领导人。

    He has joined forces with the charismatic mayor of Osaka , 43-year-old Toru Hashimoto , and assumed leadership of Mr Hashimoto 's Japan Restoration party .

  4. 石原慎太郎在数百名支持者面前提到泰坦尼克号(Titanic)的悲剧故事,这艘客轮在北大西洋沉没,超过1500人遇难,他表示,日本当前的形势与泰坦尼克号无异。

    Japan is like the Titanic , Mr Ishihara suggests to several hundred supporters as he recounts the tragic tale of the passenger liner , which sank in the North Atlantic killing more than 1500 people .

  5. 石原慎太郎曾在日本势力最大、派系林立的政党自民党(LDP)中呆过25年。而桥下彻则从头组建了自己的政党,这一政党只允许认同他政治主张的人进入。

    Mr Ishihara belonged to Japan 's most established and faction-ridden political party , the LDP , for 25 years while Mr Hashimoto built his party from scratch , admitting only those who agreed with his policies .

  6. 前东京都知事石原慎太郎(shintaroishihara)最近组建新政党,他说该党的宗旨是建立起“更强大、更强硬的日本”。

    Shintaro Ishihara , the former governor of Tokyo , recently unveiled a new political party which , he says , will help build a " stronger and tougher Japan " .

  7. 石原慎太郎(ShintaroIshihara)爬上停在横滨火车站前的一辆竞选车辆的车顶,以他标志性的直率向一群民众发表演说。横滨是位于东京南部的一座城市。

    Shintaro Ishihara climbs atop a campaign van parked in front of the train station in Yokohama , just south of Tokyo , and addresses the crowd with his trademark bluntness .

  8. 市政府官员石原慎太郎在成功当选第四次连任以后,马上宣布这个消息。

    City governor Shintaro Ishihara made the announcement soon after winning reelection for a4th term .

  9. 而石原慎太郎与桥下彻在领土问题、核政策和税收等关键议题上似乎也存在分歧。

    Mr Ishihara and Mr Hashimoto also appear to differ on key subjects such as territorial issues , nuclear policy and tax .

  10. 桥下彻反对核武器,而石原慎太郎强烈支持核武器他甚至曾表态说日本应该考虑发展核武器。

    Mr Hashimoto is against nuclear power , Mr Ishihara is a strong supporter and once even said Japan should consider developing nuclear weapons .

  11. 许多人会同意,石原慎太郎和桥下彻在地方政府中所显示出来的强势领导风格,正是日本在国家层面所需要的。

    Many would agree that Japan needs the strong leadership at a national level that Mr Ishihara and Mr Hashimoto have shown in local government .

  12. 然而日本维新会以石原慎太郎为党代表,以桥下彻为代理代表,这使该党处于一种领导和政治主张上的混乱状态。

    But with Mr Ishihara as representative and Mr Hashimoto as his deputy , the Restoration party suffers from confusion over its leadership and policies .

  13. 正是这位石原慎太郎今年引发了日中围绕东海一个群岛控制权的日趋激烈的争执。

    This is the same Shintaro Ishihara who recently provoked an increasingly bitter row with China over control of a string of islands in the East China Sea .

  14. 石原慎太郎在成为一名右翼政客之前曾是一位小说家,他曾四度出任东京都知事,并常因富于争议的言论在新闻媒体上抛头露面。日本选民对他已经颇为熟悉。

    The former novelist turned rightwing politician , a four-term Tokyo governor who is often in the news for his controversial remarks , needs little introduction to Japanese voters .

  15. 石原慎太郎的这一决定很可能加剧日本与中国和其它邻国的紧张关系,这些国家担心日本昔日的军国主义死灰复燃。

    His decision to run for national office is likely to raise tensions with China and neighbouring countries wary of the possibility that Japan could return to its past militarism .

  16. 长期反对这种低姿态做法的石原慎太郎在4月份阐明相关计划,拟由日本首都从私人所有者手中买下这些岛屿,并可能进行开发。

    Mr Ishihara , who has long opposed this conciliatory approach , in April set out plans for the Japanese capital to buy them from their private owner for possible development .

  17. 石原慎太郎就中国问题发表过许多刺耳言论。今年早些时候,他试图购买中日双方领土纠纷核心所在的几个岛屿,触发了日中关系的一次危机。

    Mr Ishihara is a harsh critic of China and sparked a crisis in Sino-Japanese relations earlier this year by trying to buy a group of islands at the heart of a territorial dispute with Beijing .

  18. 东京都知事石原慎太郎上周因为指责他的城市幕后交易太多,而上了头条。他说日本体育官员,必须更加善于操纵国际奥委会的内部运作。

    Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara made headlines last week when he blamed his city 's failure on behind-the-scenes deals , saying Japanese sports officials must become more adept in maneuvering the inner workings of the International Olympic Committee .

  19. 石原慎太郎无礼地回应了野田佳彦政府的提议。他上周六对记者说,在自己实施购买计划之际,日本中央政府进来插一脚实在是又草率又鲁莽。

    Mr. Ishihara responded to the Noda administration 's overture brusquely , telling reporters Saturday it was ' rash and reckless ' for the central government to intercede as he proceeds with his plan to buy the territory .

  20. 在石原慎太郎和日本其他重量级政客奉行更加尖锐的外交政策,对中国采取更加咄咄逼人的态度之际,他们应当考虑近年另一个地区另一个国家的遭遇。

    As Mr Ishihara and other leading Japanese politicians strike a more strident foreign policy tone and a more aggressive attitude toward China , they should consider the recent history of a quite different country in a quite different region .

  21. 但今年石原慎太郎使日本以外范围更广的观众知道了他的存在,他试图购买中国东海海域三座岛屿的举动引发了一场外交危机,这三座岛屿目前被日本控制,但中国大陆和台湾也声称对其具有领土权。

    But he announced himself to a wider , global audience this year sparking a diplomatic crisis by trying to buy two islands in the East China Sea that are controlled by Japan but also claimed by China and Taiwan .

  22. 岛屿所有者的一名律师证实,东京都政府的官员们曾经提出购岛的可能性,而与石原慎太郎相识已有几十年的这名所有者“对这个可能性持开放心态”。

    A lawyer for the owner of the islands , confirmed that Tokyo municipal government officials had raised the possibility of buying them and that the owner who had known Mr Ishihara personally for decades was " open to the possibility " .

  23. 但这一事件似乎使现年80岁的石原慎太郎有兴趣作为日本政治改革的冷门代表人物登上国家政治舞台。为了在周日的竞选中角逐日本众议院席位,他已于上月辞去了东京都知事一职。

    The incident appears to have given the 80-year-old Mr Ishihara , who quit last month as Tokyo governor to run for a seat in the lower house of parliament in Sunday 's election , a taste for the national stage as the unlikely face of political change in Japan .