
  • 网络cast;Plaster mold
  1. 接下来,通常用石膏模固定在受伤位置的周围。

    Next , a person usually gets a cast put around the area of the break .

  2. 把处理好的泥浆注入石膏模内。

    Pour casting slip into the mold , pouring against the collar .

  3. 石膏模非铁金属精密铸造技术

    Non-ferrous precise casting technology of gypsum model

  4. 我的手摸过米开朗基罗那鼓舞人心的英雄摩西雕塑石膏模;

    I have passed my hands over a plaster cast of michelangelo 's inspiring and heroic moses ;

  5. 用石膏模浇注法生产出了含碳化硅和粒状填料的耐热匣钵。

    Thermoresistant saggers containing silicon carbide and granular filler were produced through slip casting in plaster mould .

  6. 以磷石膏为模壳的新型钢筋混凝土结构体系试验研究

    Experimental study on new type reinforced concrete structural system with phosphor gypsum as a template

  7. 介绍了石膏型熔模精密铸造的特点;

    The characteristics of precision investment casting with plaster mould are introduced .

  8. 富铝锌合金石膏型熔模铸造工艺的研究

    Study on the Fusible Plaster Mold Cast Process of High Al Zinc Alloy

  9. 青铜日晷石膏型熔模铸造技术

    Bronze Gnomon in Investment Casting in Plaster Mold

  10. 石膏型熔模铸造用模料

    On Pattern Material for Plaster Investment Casting

  11. 石膏型熔模精铸工艺的实践

    Production Practice of Plaster Investment Casting Process

  12. 石膏型熔模精密铸造铜像

    Plaster Investment Casting for Bronze Statue

  13. 本文研究了一种新型的利用石膏型熔模铸造制备规则孔型泡沫铝的工艺。

    This paper deals with a new technique for making regular porous metals using plaster investment casting process .

  14. 镁合金石膏型熔模真空浇注压力凝固成形的研究

    Study on Plaster Mould Investment Casting of Magnesium Alloy to Casting in Vacuum and to Solidify with Pressure

  15. 研究了富铅锌合金石膏型熔模铸造过程中铸型的焙烧温度、浇注位置和浇注温度对铸件质量的影响并指出了最佳解决措施。

    The influences of the mold baking temperature , the pouring temperature and the pouring place on hign Al zinc alloy casting qualities were studied and the best selected measures in fusible plaster mold cast were indicated .

  16. 经一年多的生产考验表明:48~和48T~模料满足了石膏型熔模铸造的要求,它适用于制造大型、薄壁、复杂的蜡模,也可用于型壳熔模铸造工艺之中。

    48 and No. 48T have been tested in production for more than one year , production results are suitable for manufacturing large thin-walled complex pattern , and can be also used in ceramic shell mould investment .

  17. 在这个镂空中注入石膏,翻成模,再用这个模具翻制出一个雕塑作品,物化了一种“空”和“不存在”。

    He then made a mold of this hollow shape , which he termed " the negative space " and subsequently produced a sculpture of this " nonexistence " .

  18. 详细地研究石膏的性能、石膏型熔模铸造生产工艺参数和工艺过程,成功的生产出伺服仪舵体等铸件。

    The properties of plaster and technological parameters as well as the technological process of production in the course of plaster mould for investment casting have been studied in details in this paper .

  19. 介绍了石膏原材料的组成和性能,阐述了石膏型熔模铸造的工艺过程。

    The composition and properties of plaster mould have been introduced , and the technological process and applied characteristics of plaster mould investment casting is discussed .

  20. 阐述了将RP原型技术与石膏型精密铸造相结合制造石膏型快速金属模具的可行性,介绍了石膏型快速制模和浇注的工艺过程及其关键技术。

    The paper discusses the feasibility of making Plaster Rapid Metal Mould on RP Technology and Plaster Precision Foundry . It introduces the technology process and key technique of Plaster Rapid metal Mould and Casting .