
  1. 这野母司的员农夫数未经超越800了。

    The staff number of this company has in excess of800 .

  2. 后来他做过司闸员、管理员和机械师助理。

    Later he was a brakeman , clerk , and machinistS helper .

  3. 官媒新华社发表了一篇对交通部运输服务司巡视员徐亚华的访谈。他在访谈中表示:“它作为一个关系人民群众出行安全的重要服务性行业,我们制定必要的市场准入条件和服务规范也是必须的。”

    In an interview published by Xinhua , the official news agency , ministry inspector Xu Yahua said that " as a key service industry , it is necessary to have a set of industry admittance regulations . "

  4. 五月提交的第一个拟让消费者事务司授权巡视员强制执行一个鲜为人知的州法律,要求店主用英语标志商店的名称。

    One , introduced in May , would authorize inspectors with the city Department of Consumer Affairs to enforce a little-known state law that requires businesses to display their names in English .