
chéng lín
  • Chenglin;grow into forest;forest establishment
成林 [chéng lín]
  • [grow into forest] 成为树林

  • 昔日一片荒滩,如今果木成林

成林[chéng lín]
  1. 单丝不成线,独木不成林。

    One strand of silk doesn 't make a thread ; one tree doesn 't make a forest .

  2. 父亲栽下的树苗已蔚然成林。

    The seedlings father planted have grown into an exuberant forest .

  3. 凹地树木成林,但高处长满青草。

    The hollow was full of trees but the higher ground was covered with grass .

  4. 这些树长大成林时,风景该(有)多美!

    When these trees grow into a forest , how beautiful the scenery will be !

  5. 西伯利亚红松(Pinussibirica)是欧亚大陆寒温带针叶林(泰加林)的著名成林树种,与红松(P.koraiensis)近缘,为材果兼优大乔木。

    Pinus sibirica is a well-known forest species of Eurasian boreal coniferous forest ( taiga ), which is excellent both for fruit and material , and relative to Pinus koraiensis .

  6. 从年平均净碳平衡来看,华北落叶松人工林在成林后是一个明显的碳汇,年平均净碳平衡在1.0t?hm-2左右。

    From the annual net carbon balance point of view , larch plantation was obviously carbon source , annual net carbon balance was about 1.0 t ? hm-2 .

  7. hm-2,但造林保存率一般仅有10%~15%,需多次重造或补植,因此还是应用本项总结的造林技术更节省经费,造林效果好、成林快,防护效能可提前发挥。

    But the preserving rate is just 10 % ~ 15 % and need replanting and reinforcement planting . So application of this planting technology can spend much money and get better results . Trees grow faster .

  8. 和农地相比,沙棘成林、幼林分别可减小50cm、25cm土层深度的容重。

    Compared with farmland , mature and young seabuckthorn stands can decrease soil cubic density in 0 ~ 50 cm and 0 ~ 25 cm depth of soil layer respectively .

  9. 绿竹(Dendrocalamopsisoldhami)用途广泛,成林快、笋期长、产量高、营养丰富,具有较高的经济价值和生态效益。

    Green bamboo ( Dendrocalamopsis oldhami ), which is widely used in many aspects and grows into forest fast . It has long shoot-yield period , output high , nutrient-rich with high economic value and ecological benefits .

  10. 森林发展系统中的更新成林率的辩识问题

    Identification of the Reforestation Percentage for the Nonstationary Forest Evolution Systems

  11. 这个淘气的孩子不懂礼貌,做父亲的扇了他一把。(种竹成林)

    The father spanked the naughty child for his bad manners .

  12. 这个地方风景很美,树木成林,野味很多。

    It was a beautiful wooded country , alive with game .

  13. 沙障成林的固沙工程及生态效益研究

    Sand fixation project with forest sand barrier and its ecological benefit

  14. 天然阔叶林皆伐迹地人工封促成林试验研究

    Study on artificial regeneration in cleared areas of the natural broad-leaved forest

  15. 板栗成林垦复对生长结果影响的试验研究

    Effect of Improvement Measures on Growing and Fruiting of Mature Chestnut Plantations

  16. 黄土丘陵沟壑区油松与沙棘混交油松成林过程研究

    Chinese Pine Growth Mixed with Seabuckthorn in Loess Hilly and Gully Region

  17. 春天时的一场野火横扫群山,使原本绿树成林的山头变得焦黑。

    In the spring fire swept across the hills , blackening them .

  18. 几年前栽的树苗,现在已蔚然成林。

    The saplings planted several years ago have now become a luxuriant woods .

  19. 成林迅速的梧桐为南京炙热的夏天提供了令人舒爽的阴影。

    The trees grew fast and provided shade during Nanjing 's scorching summers .

  20. 四面八方都是树木成林的山峰,呈现出热带的青葱草木。

    On every side were wooded mountain tops , green with tropical verdure .

  21. 桉树成林无性系转化试验研究

    Transformed E. Research on the Experiment of the Clonic Breeding of Adult Eucalyptus

  22. 陕北黄土高原主要成林乡土乔木树种的研究

    A Study on Major Native Tree Species on Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi Province

  23. 滴水不成海,独木难成林。

    Not sea water , forest canoe difficult .

  24. 主要原因是针叶原始林的皆伐迹地和火烧迹地都已天然更新成林。

    The main reasons were that lands of clearcutting and fire had been regenerated and closed .

  25. 山上稀有树木天然成林,野生动物常栖于此,名贵中药品种繁多。

    Mountain Natural Chenglin rare trees , wildlife habitat here often , expensive medicine wide variety .

  26. 独木不成林,就象一花独秀不是春一样。

    One tree can 't make a wood like one flower can 't make a spring .

  27. 不久种子发芽生根,渐渐长大,成树,成林,贮蓄了水蒸气。

    Its germ took root . Its tree grew tall , catching steam off the water .

  28. 追施氮磷钾配比肥料对成林油桐桐果产量和质量的影响

    Influence of Mixed Nitrogen-Phosphorus - Potassium Dressing on the Fruit Yield and Quality of Adult Tung Trees

  29. 高楼大厦展立日渐成林

    Buildings grow to daily heights

  30. 如果下雨,我们将改变计划,周日野餐。种竹成林。

    If it rains , we have to alter our plan to have a picnic on Sunday .