
hé huǒ qì yuē
  • partnership agreement;contract of copartnership
  1. 民间法意义上的盐业合伙契约

    Partnership Contract of the Salt Industry in a Sense of Folk Law

  2. 有限合伙契约的柔性激励机制设计

    Design of Flexible Stimulation Mechanism for Limited Partnership Contracts

  3. 乔布斯请韦恩帮忙起草一份原始合伙契约,这份契约的内容与成立苹果公司有关。

    Jobs asked for Wayne 's help drafting the original partnership agreement that established Apple .

  4. 文章在梳理并评析国内几种具有影响力的学说(合伙契约说、合伙行为说和合伙团体说)之后,主张投资契约是为隐名合伙之法律性质所在。

    After carded and commented several effective national doctrines , the article claimed that dormant partnership is an investment contract .

  5. 根据你们所在的管辖范围,在开银行账户之前,你们可能需要注册企业名称并设立合伙契约。

    Depending on your jurisdiction you may need to register the business name and set up a partnership before opening a bank account .

  6. 星期三,为了提升碳的获取和收回技术,通用电力公司和油田服务公司斯伦贝谢签署了合伙契约。

    E.signed a partnership on Wednesday with Schlumberger , the oil field services company , to advance the technology of carbon capture and sequestration .

  7. 盐业合伙契约作为我国近现代一种独具民族传统特色的资本组织形式,具有十分丰富的内容和非常鲜明的特点。

    As an organizing form of capital with national and traditional characteristics today , the partnership contract of the salt industry has very abundant content and vivid characteristics .

  8. 投资者通过有限合伙的契约安排传递预算约束,从而对企业家和风险投资家的行为形成有效的激励约束。

    The investors I deliver the budget constraint through the contractual agreement of limited partnership and encourage the behaviors of venture capitalist and entrepreneur effectively .

  9. 合伙从契约到组织体的观念和规则变更很大程度上是由于商事交易和由此产生的商事规则的发展。

    The Transformation of the conception and regulations of partnership from contact to organized body is to a large extent resulted from the development of commercial transactions and their commercial regulations .

  10. 风险投资基金的典型组织形式是有限合伙型、契约型和公司型,因制度安排不同,它们在运作成本、管理效率、激励相容机制方面存在显著差异。

    The fund may be organized in forms of cooperation , contract or company . Because of different institutions , the working cost , management efficiency and incentive mechanism exist striking differences in practice .

  11. 就法律障碍而言,指出在法律制定成本和修改成本较大的情况下,强调在现行法律框架下合同法范围内以隐名合伙这一契约形式予以变通的可行性;

    As for the legal barrier , considering a large law making and amending cost , the emphasis should be put on the feasibility of replacing limited partnership with dormant partnership under the framework of current laws and within the limits of contract laws .

  12. 隐名合伙是一种契约关系,是合伙的一种特殊表现形式,在大陆法系国家中发展历史比较悠久。

    Dormant partnership is a kind of contractual relationship , partnership is a special form , in the countries of mainland legal system is a long history of development .

  13. 有限合伙制基金中,管理型人力资本20%左右的剩余索取权通过合伙契约方式被明确规定下来。

    In limited partnerships , the residual claim of 20-percent share by managerial human capital owners is defined in the partnership agreements .