
  1. 结合Matlab语言给出了三种合并方式在相同条件下的性能比较。

    And applies MATLAB to give the performance comparison of these three combining modes under the same conditions .

  2. 最后研究了多径信道下Rake接收机的性能,对不同接收方式、合并方式及信道对Rake接收机性能的影响进行了仿真分析和比较。

    And then , we research , simulate and compare the performance of Rake receiver with different reception schemes , combination mode and channel .

  3. 文章分析了提出的自适应MC-CDMA系统的性能,并通过仿真结果说明了合并方式和信道环境都将影响自适应调制算法在MC-CDMA中应用的有效性。

    Simulation results also indicate the combining schemes and the channel environment will affect the efficiency of adaptive modulation algorithm in MC-CDMA systems .

  4. 针对空间白噪声环境下的DS-CDMA系统,对信号无衰落和信号经历衰落时次优合并方式码捕获的检测性能进行了理论分析和仿真。

    Detection performance of the STC with suboptimum combining is theoretically analyzed and also simulated for DS-CDMA systems in additive white Gaussian noise environment .

  5. 并提出了适用于非理想环境的DWCS信号发送与合并方式。

    The signals transmit and combine methods adapted in such environment are also proposed .

  6. 提出了一种基于OFDMCDMA系统的新型时频2维联合扩频的方法,详细介绍了相应的系统结构以及接收机中不同的解扩合并方式。

    A novel two-dimensional joint time-frequency spreading methods for OFDM-CDMA ( orthogonal frequency division multiplexing-code division multiple access ) is proposed . Then we introduce the system with our proposed spreading method and different combining schemes at the receiver .

  7. 基于IEEE802.15.3a建议的超宽带密集多径信道模型,对采用最大比和等增益两种合并方式的RAKE接收机的高速超宽带通信系统的性能进行了研究。

    The performance of UWB communication system , which employs RAKE receiver with maximum ratio combining and equal gain combining , is researched based on the channel models proposed by ( IEEE 802.15.3a . )

  8. 对于企业来说,最简单的合并方式就是买进。

    The simplest way for companies to combine is through an acquisition .

  9. 运动事件动词语义成分合并方式差异与影响

    Differences in Conflation of Semantic Components of Verbs in Motion-event and Its Consequences & Cross-linguistic Comparison

  10. 非理想环境下分布天线系统信号发送与合并方式性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Signal Transmission and Combining Methods for Distributed Antenna Systems in an Imperfect Environment

  11. 本文重点讨论了使用等增益合并方式的基于正交信号的协作分集机制及其相关性能。

    This paper focuses on the orthogonal signaling based cooperative diversity scheme with e-qual-gain-combining ( EGC ) .

  12. 分析了分布式多孔径光放大接收阵列的性能,并对其信号合并方式进行研究。

    The performance of distributed multi-aperture optically preamplified receiver array is analyzed . Signal combining methods are also studied .

  13. 为了自动识别手写中文地址,提出基于地址结构的汉字字符切分和匹配方法。它将地址行图像过切分为一列子字符图像,对于可能的子字符合并方式进行识别。

    An address structure-based method was developed to segment characters and match street names in Chinese addresses for automatic recognition of handwritten addresses .

  14. 从中断概率的概念出发,采用统计分析的方法得到了不同合并方式下的分集系统性能。

    Based on the concept of outage probability , the performance of diversity system with different combing methods is given by statistical analysis .

  15. 大制药公司正面临着该行业所遇到的最大挑战。通过以巨型合并方式来保证在行业中的地位可能有些吸引力。

    The comfort that may come from securing a mega-merger to retain a company 's position in the industry could hold some attraction .

  16. 在分析企业合并方式的基础上,介绍了与之相适应的合并会计方法,并进一步对合并会计方法的选择及其经济后果进行阐述。

    On the basis of analyzing enterprise consolidation mode , we introduce the matched consolidation accounting method while further explain the selection of consolidation accounting method and the related economic consequences .

  17. 企业通过合并方式进行扩张,由于具有独特的优势,因而是西方企业经常采用的一种扩张战略。

    The enterprise carry out expansion by merger way , and because of its the special advantage , therefore it is a kind of expansion strategy that western enterprise usually adopt .

  18. 运动事件框架是一种基本的认知模式,不同语言用不同方式表达这一框架。表达方式的差异源于不同语言中动词语义合并方式的差异。

    Motion-event frame is a basic cognitive model shared , but in different languages different linguistic ways are used to describe it , which arises out of different conflations of semantic components into verbs .

  19. 用这一模型研究了采用最优合并方式的手机上双单极子天线系统的性能,分析了合并性能受共道干扰强度、天线互耦以及机身的影响。

    The performance of a dual monopole handset system with optimum combining was then studied , and the influence of co-channel interference , the mutual coupling of antenna elements and handset body is also analyzed .

  20. 通过合并方式我国可以出现规模与四大相抗衡的大型会计师事务所,但是合并能否也带来国内所审计质量的提高,则是一个学术界和实务界都在探讨的问题。

    By combining we can have the same scale accounting firms compared with the big four , but whether the merge can bring the audit quality improvement is the problem which academia and practice are explored together .

  21. 将城市室外电波传播模型、手机天线本征激励方向图以及信号合并方式相结合,建立了分析在具有共道干扰的多径衰落环境中手机双天线系统的性能模型。

    A simulation approach is presented , which combines the outdoor radio propagation model and the eigen-driven patterns of handset antenna elements and combining schemes of receiving signals , to investigate the performance of a dual antenna handset under co-channel interference ( CCI ) and multi-path fading environment .

  22. 通过短裂纹群模拟及像素合并处理方式,在进行低分辨率CT图像的演化分析时,检测到短裂纹扩展引起的异常。

    Short cracks were simulated and pixels were merged , evolvements of low resolution CT images were analyzed , abnormity induced by propagation of cracks was detected .

  23. 由于HDFS不适合存储小文件,本系统采用将小文件合并的方式在云端存储文件。

    Since HDFS is not suitable for storing small files , the system uses the combined means of small files in the cloud storage file .

  24. 该方法中系统针对协同的远端天线单元进行联合处理,各RAU根据信道状态信息好坏采用不同的预编规则对同一用户发送数据,而在接收端使用最大比合并的方式对各链路信号进行处理。

    A coordinated transmission and joint pre-coding method is proposed in this paper . Coordinated remote antenna units ( RAU ) are processed jointly . According to state information of channel , different pre-coding rules are adopted by each RAU to transmit data to the same user .

  25. 合并检测方式同时需满足单份样品临床检测的敏感性要求。

    Combined detection method is carrying on at the same time to meet the single samples in clinical detection sensitivity requirements . 7 .

  26. 面对外资挑战,必须通过兼并、收购、合并等方式,改变市场结构,进而最终提高市场绩效。

    Facing the challenges from foreign capital corporations , we must change market structure by multi-channels such as merger , buyout to increase our market share .

  27. 奥兰表示,两家公司正在讨论“可能的商业合作,或许会以合并等方式展开。”

    OLAM said the two companies were discussing " a possible business collaboration which may take the form of , among others , a merger . "

  28. 其中,尤其考虑到了合并审判方式下,证据的叠加效应等问题对被告人所产生的偏见影响,进而确立了诸多的审判分离之判例类型。

    In particular , it has been taken into consideration that the evidence stacking effect may bring bias to defendants , therefore , many separate trials have been established .

  29. 【摘要】目的:研究儿童青少年肥胖、非酒精性脂肪肝病与其他代谢紊乱的关系,并研究应用二甲双胍口服治疗肥胖儿童非酒精脂肪肝病及其合并生活方式干预的效果。

    Objective : exam the relations between childhood obesity , NAFLD ( non-alcoholic fatty liver disease ) and other metabolic disorders and study the effects of the oral application of metformin and its integrated treatment with lifestyle intervention in treating NAFLD .

  30. 运用SWOT战略指导合并重组的方式步骤;

    SWOT strategy was applied to guide the pattern and procedure of merging .