
  • 网络externality theory
  1. 随后详细介绍了知识产权保护的四个经济学理论,分别是新古典学派的外部性理论、新制度学派的交易费用论、产品生命周期论以及《TRIPS》协定。

    Then we introduce four economics theories in details which contained the externality theory , transaction costs theory , product life cycle and TRIPS .

  2. 运用Logistic增长模型以及网络外部性理论绘制出电信企业网络外部性效用的S型曲线,并分析其的变化特点。得出网络外部性下电信企业的竞争行为和策略。

    By use of Logistic Growth Model and the network externality theory , we draw an S curve of the network externality avail of the telecom carriers for a clear analysis of underlying characteristics for the changes .

  3. 阐述了外部性理论、信息不对称理论、需求层次论和标准差异论对SPS措施形成的影响并提出可能的解决对策。

    This paper explains the effects of externality , information asymmetry theory , demand hierarchy theory and different standard theory in forming the SPS measures and its possible solutions .

  4. 经济外部性理论在流域生态保护中的应用

    An Approach of Economic Externalities to Eco-conservation in Little River Basin

  5. 包括外部性理论的介绍和外部性原因分析。

    Including the externality theory is introduced and externalities cause analysis .

  6. 第二部分在外部性理论框架下,分析旅游区资源过度利用的必然性;

    Part Two analyzes its inevitability under the frame of Corse Theory .

  7. 外部性理论在水环境承载能力中的应用

    Application of External Theory in Water Environment Carrying Capability

  8. 基于外部性理论的道路运输排放问题研究

    Study on Road Transport Emission Based on Externality Theory

  9. 论外部性理论的内涵及意义

    On the Connotation and Meaning of Externality Theory

  10. 我国城市管理的问题及对策外部性理论与城市管理研究

    Problem and Countermeasure concerning Urban Administration in China

  11. 试用外部性理论分析生态工业园的经济学机制

    Analysis on Eco-Industrial Park by Using Externality Theory

  12. 外部性理论与环境管制工具的演变与发展

    The Relation Between Externality and Environment-Regulating Instrument

  13. 环境材料的评价与外部性理论分析

    Appraisal of the Eco-materials and Externality Analysis

  14. 经济学的外部性理论认为,政府有必要采取税收措施,使环境成本内化。

    According to Externality Theory , governments need to implement tax measures to internalise externalities .

  15. 解读传统知识法律保护的正当性&以经济学外部性理论为视角

    On the Justification of Legal Protection of Traditional Knowledge : from the Economic External Theory Angle

  16. 中国崛起的国际影响,可用外部性理论做出解释:威胁论观点只强调中国崛起的负外部性,而机遇论观点则强调了正外部性。

    The effects of China ′ s rising can be explained through the theory of externality .

  17. 外部性理论及其政策边界

    Externality Theory and Policy Boundaries

  18. 本外部性理论是解释经济活动与森林生态环境问题的基础理论。

    The externality theory is a basic theory of explaining economy activities and forest ecological environment problems .

  19. 外部性理论与城市管理研究

    Externality and Urban Administration

  20. 传统外部性理论是人们在对自由市场经济制度的缺陷进行反思的基础上诞生的。

    Traditional Externality theory was born on the background of that people reflected the defect of free market system .

  21. 从外部性理论探讨煤炭建设项日对区域经济的贡献。

    Probe into the contribution to the regional economy of construction project of coal from the outside quality theory .

  22. 应用技术外部性理论知识对国家垄断的烟草业建设自动化立体库进行了国民经济分析。

    Using the technology Exterior Theory to carry on the national economy analysis of the state monopoly tobacco industry .

  23. 本文以外部性理论和经济增长理论为基础,分析环境规制的作用机制。

    On the basis of externality and economic growth theories , the paper analyzes the mechanism of environmental regulation .

  24. 文章运用现代经济学的外部性理论系统分析了森林生态产品外部性的表现形式。

    The paper systemically analyzes the various forms of externalities of forest eco-products using the modern economics theory of externality .

  25. 在理论基础方面,环境外部性理论和生产者责任延伸原则为环境押金制度的构建提供了坚实的理论基础。

    Environmental deposit system is based on the theory of environmental externality and the principle of producers ' responsibility extension .

  26. 外部性理论是现代经济学,特别是新制度经济学的重要理论之一。

    The externality theory is one of the most important theories in contemporary economics , particularly in the new institutional economics .

  27. 生态税费制度的依据主要涉及外部性理论和可持续发展理论两个方面。

    The basis of eco-taxation system mainly contains two aspects : " externality theory " and " sustainable development theory " .

  28. 因此有必要将外部性理论应用于港口的船舶污染控制领域,通过经济手段来激励船舶改善船舶污染状况,以提高港口的环境质量。

    So it is essential that use the theory to control port pollution and improve port environment quality through economic measures .

  29. 从环境外部性理论、产权理论等方面探讨了排污权交易制度的经济学基础。

    The economics ground for tradable emission permits ( TEP ) is analyzed with externality , property right and other theories .

  30. 在外部性理论关注的对象中,高技术产业的外部性现象属于新问题。

    Among the subjects dealt with by external theory , the external phenomenon of the high-tech industry belongs to new question .