
  • 网络Cape Horn;Cabo de Hornos
  1. 他们绕过合恩角时,暴风雨已经减弱。

    The storms had abated by the time they rounded Cape Horn .

  2. 1978年,娜奥米·詹姆斯成为第一个独自驾船绕过合恩角环游世界的女子。

    In 1978 , Naomi James became the first woman to sail solo around the world via Cape Horn .

  3. 他用笔在地图上标出了合恩角的位置。

    He indicated the location of Cape Horn with a pen on the map .

  4. 正是因为对合恩角的恐惧才开始他的那次航行的。

    Chichester 's voyage began because he was terrified of Cape horn .

  5. 这幅图画是画一只在大旋风里的合恩角的船;

    The picture represents a Cape-Horner in a great hurricane ;

  6. 我们绕过合恩角继续北上。

    We rounded Cape Horn and came north again .

  7. 包括恐怖角号或是合恩角号。

    Including the Cape Fear or Cape horn .

  8. 他们乘独木舟绕合恩角岛航行。

    They circumnavigated Cape Horn island in canoes .

  9. 轮船在合恩角外沉没了。

    The ship sank off Cape horn .

  10. 从美国东部,向南部航行经过合恩角再向北到加州。

    From the eastern United States , ships sailed south around Cape Horn and north to California .

  11. 但法拉古舰长不愿意通过这曲折的海峡,要从合恩角绕过去。

    But Commander Farragut was unwilling to attempt this tortuous passageway and maneuvered instead to double Cape Horn .

  12. 直到鲸鱼业绕过合恩角,没有通商,只是殖民地的地区,几乎没有同世界的交往,只是殖民地的地区

    Until the whale fishery rounded Cape Horn , no commerce but colonial , scarcely any intercourse but colonial ,

  13. 依此类推,直到倒满一杯。这种合恩角的量器,使人一口就可以喝掉一个先令。

    and so on to the full glass-the Cape Horn measure , which you may gulp down for a shilling .

  14. 而环游合恩角的三年航程,也不过是时间上比较长些的有趣的玩笑而已。

    and a three years ' voyage round Cape Horn was only a jolly joke that lasted that length of time .

  15. 他要先过好望角,然后再过合恩角,向南极走去吗?

    Would he double the Cape of Good Hope , then Cape Horn , and push on to the Antarctic pole ?

  16. 在完成了到非洲合恩角的飞行任务之后,我们于圣诞节的前三天第一次进入了巴格达。

    After flying missions to the Horn of Africa , we made our first run into Baghdad three days before Christmas .

  17. 在中东的120天我们参加了‘伊拉克的自由’行动,‘持久的自由’行动,还有在非洲合恩角的任务。

    We flew Operation Iraqi Freedom , Operation Enduring Freedom , and Horn of Africa missions for the120 days we were in the Middle East .

  18. 我把一两件衬衫塞进我那只旧旅行袋里,往腋了一挟,便动身到合恩角和太平洋去。

    I stuffed a shirt or two into my old carpet-bag , tucked it under my arm , and started for Cape Horn and the Pacific .

  19. 可是一点也没有提到好久以前在合恩角所发生的事,提到他象死人一样躺了三天三夜;

    But nothing about that thing that happened to him off Cape Horn , long ago , when he lay like dead for three days and nights ;

  20. 当船转过南美合恩角,她也许就要接受考验。那片区域因高达一百英尺的海浪以及冰山而出名。

    She may be tested when the yacht rounds South America 's Cape Horn , an area infamous for waves as high as100 feet , as well as icebergs .

  21. 这是伸在美洲大陆南端的岩石。从前荷兰水手把自己故乡的名字送给它,称它为合恩角。

    the Abraham Lincoln doubled that solitary islet at the tip of the South American continent , that stray rock Dutch seamen had named Cape Horn after their hometown of Hoorn .

  22. 世界粮食计划署办公室的格雷格巴鲁解释道:从西非、中非到非洲合恩角、亚洲,我们可以看到有很多人都处于严重营养不良的状况中。

    Greg Barrow , of the World Food Programme Office , explains : From west Africa , central Africa , to the horn of Africa to Asia , we see high levels of under nutrition . '

  23. 在合恩角的捕鲸业发达之前,欧洲与丰饶连绵的西班牙各地间在太平洋沿线的交往,还不是什么商业行为而只是殖民事业,除了殖民事业,可说没有什么其它的交往。

    Until the whale fishery rounded Cape Horn , no commerce but colonial , scarcely any intercourse but colonial , was carried on between Europe and the long line of the opulent Spanish provinces on the Pacific coast .

  24. 这一个人,从家乡经过合恩角约莫跑了二千英里路出来,就是说…这是他所能取道到达这里的唯一路线…置身在这些在他看来仿佛奇特得象置身在木星的人群中;

    Here was a man some twenty thousand miles from home , by the way of Cape Horn , that is-which was the only way he could get there-thrown among people as strange to him as though he were in the planet Jupiter ;

  25. 该死,比勒达船长,如果我过去在这些事情上依你的话,那我的良心早就重得够把任何一条航行在合恩角的最大的船只都压沉了。

    Blast ye , Captain Bildad , if I had followed thy advice in these matters , I would afore now had a conscience to lug about that would be heavy enough to founder the largest ship that ever sailed round Cape Horn .