
  • 网络Heyang;heyang county
  1. 合阳县土壤养分空间变异及养分状况评价

    Spatial Variability and Condition Evaluation of Soil Nutrients in Heyang

  2. 合阳县资源节约与高效利用农业技术的选择

    Selection of resource-saving and high efficient use agricultural techniques in Heyang County

  3. 本文以系统的观点,开展了合阳县地质灾害的研究。

    This thesis study geological disaster of Heyang in the point of system .

  4. 合阳县甘井乡旱地小麦亩产200&250kg栽培技术研究

    Cultivation Techniques of per Mu Yield of 200 & 250 kg of Winter Wheat in Rainfed Land in Ganjing Township of Heyang County

  5. 合阳县位于陕西省关中地区渭北黄土台塬以东,与黄河相邻。

    Heyang country is located in the east of Weibei loess plain in Guanzhong district of Shann'xi province and adjoint of Yellow River .

  6. 合阳县罗占花老人创作的纸塑剪纸,人物的造型采自于戏剧,把戏剧人物的一招一式刻画的栩栩如生。

    Luo Heyang accounted for creative paper and plastic paper-cut flowers for the elderly , the characters in the drama taken from the shape to move a character drama depicts a type of life-like .