
  1. 目前大质量恒星形成的理论主要有两种,即吸积说和并合说。

    There are two main theories concerning massive star formation , accretion and merger .

  2. 关于医疗事故的民事责任主要采用请求权竟合说。

    Request the power as for the civil case responsibility of the medical treatment trouble the main adoption to match to say unexpectedly .

  3. 耶利哥王打发人去见喇合说:“那来到你这里,进了你家的人要交出来,因为他们来窥探全地。”

    So the king of Jericho sent this message to Rahab : " Bring out the men who came to you and entered your house , because they have come to spy out the whole land . "

  4. 她对两个探子说:“你们要往山上去,这样追赶的人就不会碰见你们。要在那里隐藏三天,等追赶的人回来,然后才可以走你们的路。”两个探子对喇合说:

    Just as she was helping them escape , she said to them , Go straight to the mountain , so the king 's soldiers won 't see you ! Hide in the mountains for 3 days to give the soldiers time to get back to Jericho . Then go your way .

  5. “天人合一”说是中医理论中的重要思想,是古代朴素唯物论和辨证法的自然观在中医学中的应用和发挥。

    The standpoint of unity in man and universe ( M & U ) was a very important thought of TCM theory , the use of ancient naive materialism and dialectics on TCM .

  6. 我当然看到他们的分分合合,鲍威尔说。

    I certainly see some back-and-forth with them , Powell says .

  7. 本文通过对各个学说的优缺点进行系统评价,认为合规律因果关系说与事实原因、法律原因区分说的观点比较适宜。

    Depending on the evaluation of the merit and shortcoming of each theory , we suggest that the normal causality theory with the fact reason and the law reason distinction theory are more suitable .

  8. 我们可以从苏轼易学的立场、苏轼对易学史上卦爻结构观的考察以及对“卦合爻别”方法的实际运用,来理解苏轼在卦爻结构观上的“卦合爻别”说。

    We may understand this theory from his standpoint , his examinations of the structures of the hexagrams and lines and the actual application of the theory to the interpretation in the history of the Yi-ology .