
hé qǔ
  • conjunction
合取[hé qǔ]
  1. 我们利用并列表示合取,ab意味着a与b两者。

    We use juxtaposition to denote conjunction , ab means both a and B.

  2. 合取范式可满足性问题(简称SAT问题)是一个NP完全问题。

    The satisfiability problem of conjunction normal form ( abbreviate SAT problem ) is an NP_complete problem .

  3. 然后,将改进的社会认知优化算法应用于求解SAT问题。命题逻辑中合取范式(CNF)的可满足性问题(SAT问题)是当代理论计算机科学的核心问题,是一典型的NP完全问题。

    And then , the improved SCO is applied to solve the SAT problem .

  4. 分析了Vague集的性质,定义了Vague集上的加权析取式和加权合取式。

    The characteristics of Vague sets are analyzed . The conjunctive and disjunctive forms based on Vague sets are defined .

  5. 符号状态由位置与时间区域组成,时间区域用形如x-y≤(<)n的原子公式的合取式来表示。

    Each symbolic state consists of a location and a time zone which are conjunctions of automatic formulae in the form x-y ≤( < ) n.

  6. 胆道对合取左肝管鄄空肠Roux鄄en鄄Y式吻合。

    Biliary duct reconstruction was made by Roux-en-Y anastomosis of the left hepatic duct and the jejunum .

  7. 合取范式化为析取范式的DNA表面计算中国银行业跨国并购的策略选择&基于OLI框架的分析

    A Surface-based DNA Algorithm for the Conversion of Conjunctive Normal Form into Disjunctive Normal Form The Policy of the Chinese International Bank Buying

  8. 合取范式(CNF)公式H到F的同志是一个从H的文字集合到F的文字集合的映射、并保持补运算和子句映到子句。

    A homomorphism of CNF formulas from H to F is a function mapping the set of literals in H to the set of literals in F and it preserves complements and clauses .

  9. 3-SAT问题是指将SAT问题中所有的表达式都表示为合取范式,而每个子句的变量个数固定为3个。

    3-SAT problem is that the SAT problems are represented as the expression of all CNF and each clause the number of variables is fixed at 3 .

  10. 一个合取范式(CNF)公式F是NT-HIT公式,如果F中的任意两个不同的子句中恰有一对互补文字。

    A formula F in conjunctive normal form is a non-tautology hitting ( NT-HIT ) formula , if any one pair of F clauses in contains a pair of complement literals .

  11. 逐步回归分析表明,表征位阻效应的参数MW与表征电性效应的参数pKa相结合,能够较好地拟合取代苯甲酸的生物降解速率常数。

    Stepwise regression analysis shows that combination of MW , which represents the steric effect , and pK a , which represents the electric effect , can fit biodegradation rate constants of substituted benzoic acids well .

  12. 第三章是命题逻辑,提出强合取是左连续T-三角模以及合取是普通意义下的弱BL及弱BL代数的概念。

    The third chapter is propositional logic ; the concept of weaker basic logic and weaker basic logic algebras , where strong conjunction is left-continuous T-norm and conjunction is min , are introduced .

  13. 1988年Klug给出了第一个稠密域上的不等式合取查询包含问题的算法,但该方法不适用于非稠密域。

    Klug gave the first algorithm for containment problems of conjunctive queries containing inequalities on dense data domains in 1988 . But this algorithm does not work on nondense data domains .

  14. 非稠密数据域的不等式合取查询

    The conjunctive queries containing inequalities on Nondense data domains

  15. 科恩提出了归纳分级句法中具有特色的否定原理、合取原理。

    Cohen suggested negative principle , disjunction principle in the inductive support-grading syntax .

  16. 合取谬误因其展现了人类的认知偏差而受到人们的广泛关注。

    Conjunction fallacy takes extensive attention result from its implication of human cognitive bias .

  17. 小学儿童合取概念的形成及其与元认知的关系

    Primary school children 's formation of conjunctive concept and it 's correlation with metacognition

  18. 由此,它赋予合取and在话语逻辑中的语义对称性、传递性和添加性。

    It , therefore , lends symmetry , transitivity and additivity to the conjunctive AND .

  19. 基于合取知识的推理

    The Reasoning Based on Conjunctive Knowledge

  20. 一般布尔表达式转化成合取范式的复杂性注记

    A Note to The Complexity of Transforming a General Boolean Formula to a Conjunctive Normal Form

  21. 关于合取范式可满足性问题的复杂性分析

    A Complexity Analysis on SAT Problem

  22. 拟前束合取核范式函数

    Quasi-prenex conjunctive kernel normal form function

  23. 进而针对合取规则句型,具体介绍了该方法的实现步骤。

    The implementation steps of the above method are further introduced for a specific sentence pattern .

  24. 机器人问题求解中的合取目标

    Conjunctive goal in robot problem solving

  25. 在数据库理论方面,约束关系模型的不等式合取查询包含问题已经得到解决。

    In database theory , query containment problem for conjunctive queries of constraint relational model has been resolved .

  26. 3.3.5~4岁是儿童二维合取规则推理能力发展的快速期。

    And ( 3 ) children 's rule-based reasoning developed rapidly at the age of 3.5 to 4 .

  27. 通过逻辑合取与析取归并膨胀土分类规则。

    The rule of expansive soil classification was generated through logic conjunction and disjunction to all of the preserved rules .

  28. 建议微小动脉端侧吻合取45°角与等大侧壁开口为宜。

    Therefore , it is suggested we should choose the angle of 45 ° and the side orifice equal in end-to-side anastomosis .

  29. 结果表明,当查询条件不是合取范式时,该优化策略明显提高了查询性能。

    And the result shows that this optimal strategy can improve query performance saliently if the query constraint expression is not a CNF .

  30. 在计算过程中,将合取作为摹和,常义加法作为摹乘,则字典序多目标多阶段决策问题的递推运算转换为多阶段的摹矩阵运算。

    In this way , the recursive calculation for solving lexicographic order multiobject and multistage decision problem is transformed to a multistage Jar matrix computation .