
  • 网络Symmetric difference;Symmetrical Difference;symmetry difference
  1. Boolean代数与减法代数关于集合的对称差

    Boolean algebra and subtraction algebra The symmetric difference about sets

  2. p-平均对称差度量的Cauchy问题(Ⅰ)

    The Cauchy Problem for p-mean Symmetric Difference Metric (ⅰ)

  3. 本文对Fuzzy集的差、对称差和直并给出了定义,并讨论了有关的一些性质。

    In this paper difference set , and direct union about Fuzzy sets are defined and some properties concerned are considered .

  4. 经特征变换后,采用收敛和稳定性均有保证的Courant差分格式进行数值计算,克服了对称差分格式在处理线路边界条件时的困难。

    The characteristic relations has becn developed and it is very suitable to use the Courant difference method with the guarantee condition of convergence .

  5. 本文给出了一组逼近色散方程的非对称差分格式,并用这组格式和对称的Crank-Nicolson型格式构造了求解色散方程的并行交替分段差分隐格式。

    A group of asymmetric difference schemes to approach the dispersive equation is given here . Using the schemes and the symmetric Crank-Nicolson type scheme , the parallel alternating difference scheme for solving the dispersive equation is constructed .

  6. 然后与用对称差分法得到的差分图像综合;

    This paper also presented a dynamic optimization threshold method for image .

  7. 组合优化(Ⅱ)&对称差分解法的又一应用

    On combinatorial optimization (ⅱ) another application of symmetrical difference method

  8. 基于图像对称差分运算的运动小目标检测方法

    A Detecting Method for Small Moving Targets Based on Symmetry Difference Operation

  9. 算法的发现(Ⅱ)&对称差(的)分解法及其应用

    On discovery of algorithms (ⅱ)── symmetry-difference decomposition method with Applications

  10. P-平均对称差度量的收敛定理

    The Convergent Theorem for P mean Symmetric Difference Metric

  11. 该方法首先通过对称差分算法,提取运动区域;

    Firstly , symmetrical frame difference is used to acquire the motion area .

  12. 一种快速的基于对称差分的视频分割算法

    A Rapid Video Segmentation Algorithm Based on Symmetrical DFD

  13. 本文在一种基于对称差分的运算检测方法基础上,提出改进方法,对每个运动对象加矩形框。

    Every moved video object was segmented by the form of the rectangle .

  14. 对称差在事件运算中的应用

    Symmetric Difference Applying in the Operation of Events

  15. p-对称差度量的收敛判别法及极限表达式

    The Convergence Criterion and the Form of Representation of Limit p-mean Symmetric Difference Metric

  16. 基于边缘特征及对称差分的铁路安全图像处理技术研究

    Research on Railroad Safety and Image Processing Based on Edge Features and Symmetry Difference

  17. 用对称差运算分析网孔的独立性

    Independence for Analysing Mesh by Symmetric Difference Operation

  18. 多尺度对称差分交通视频目标分割及阴影消除

    Moving Objects Segmentation and Shadow Elimination for Traffic Video Based on Multi-Scale Symmetrical Differencing

  19. 关于一致对称差度量收敛问题的讨论

    Discussion for Convergences of Uniform Symmetric Difference Metric

  20. 基于对称差分和多高斯背景差分,实现混合检测算法。

    Hybrid detection algorithm based on the symmetric difference and multi-Gaussian background subtraction is implemented .

  21. 对称差度量及基本性质

    Symmetric Difference Metric and Its Basic Properties

  22. 集合有并、交、差、对称差四种基本运算。

    Set has four basic operations : union , intersection , difference and symmetry difference .

  23. 事件的对称差

    The symmetric difference of the events

  24. 随机事件的对称差与独立性

    Asymmetry And Independence Of Random

  25. 提出一种基于动态阈值对称差分和背景差法的运动对象检测算法。

    A novel algorithm for moving detection , which employed adaptive background subtraction and symmetrical differencing method , was presented .

  26. 通过对曲线分层方法的研究,找到一种利用对称差斜率结合趋势码对测井曲线分层的方法,具有很好的分层效果。

    By study of log auto-separating method , the paper presents a method to layer by means of opposed differential slope .

  27. 该算法通过对图象序列中每连续3帧图象进行对称差分,首先检测出目标的运动范围;

    So first use every three continuous video frames to get symmetrical DFD , then acquire the motion area of the moving object .

  28. 用对称差分解法自然得到一个算法(§4),相当于改进单纯形算法。

    The symmetric difference decomposition method gives an algorithm for the former problem (§ 4 ), which is equivalent to the revised simplex algorithm for linear programming .

  29. 利用对称差的度量匹配某客体的形状到库中一模型来识别它。

    An object may be identified by matching its shape to one of a number of models contained in a library utilizing a measure of symmetric difference .

  30. 相比于传统对称差分算法,改进后的对称差分算法包含了更多的目标信息,检测出的运动目标更准确,并有效的解决了目标内部存在空洞的问题。

    Compared with conventional methods , the improve symmetry difference arithmetic contains more target information , more accurate for the moving object and effectively solved the target empty .