
  1. 从数据结构、语言工具两个方面比较了C语言和PASCAL语言的异同,并进一步指出:在学习过程中贯穿对比思维,可达到事半功倍、温故知新的效果。

    The comparison with language C and language PASCAL has been studied emphatically in data structure and language circumstances aspects . If insist on comparative thinking in learning course the better effect can be getted .

  2. 对比思维最大的优点也就在这里,当我们运用了对比时,每一位读者都能从中知道我们的意图。

    Comparative thinking the biggest advantage is here , when we use the contrast , each can extract know our intention .

  3. 本文拟从英汉思维差异入手,通过对比思维形态及其在语言上的表现,揭示英汉思维差异对翻译的影响以及排除消极影响的途径。

    This paper starts with uhe difference between the thoughts of the English and that of the Chinese . It attempts to reveal the influence of thought difference on translation and the way of getting rid of the negative influence .

  4. 英汉思维差异与语言对比英汉思维方式的差异对翻译有重要的影响。

    A Comparison of English and Chinese Thinking Modes and Languages The difference between English and Chinese thinking greatly affects translation .

  5. 英汉对比;言语思维流;思维方式;替代;省略;重复;翻译;

    Contrastive studies ; Thought of speech ; Mode of thinking ; Translation ; Substitution ; Ellipsis ; Repetition ;

  6. 首先对比了贝叶斯思维者类型预期与类型思维者类型预期,在此基础之上,论述雇佣决策者的两种预期偏差:反应不足预期偏差和反应过度预期偏差。

    On the basis of the contrast between the Bayesian employers and the categorized thinking employers , we discussed the two expected bias : under-reaction and over-reaction .

  7. 本文通过对比中西方思维模式及其在语言中的表现,揭示了思维差异对翻译的影响,提出了排除和化解中西方思维差异的干扰是提高翻译准确性的有效途径。

    It attempts to reveal the influence of thinking difference on translation and points out that , to clear the obstacles is a better way to make translations more appropriate .

  8. 整体性汉语思维与个体性英语思维对比分析这种思维方式主要有格式化思维、位式思维、体性思维以及具有自身鲜明特点的创新性思维。

    Comparative Analysis on Thinking Modes of Chinese " Holism " and English " Individualism " The idiosyncratic thought includes the formatting thought , the transpositional thought , the macroscopical thought and the particular innovative thought .

  9. 英汉句法结构的对比与翻译从思维差异看英汉句法

    Comparison of Sentence Structure between English and Chinese from the Differences of Thinking

  10. 汉英语言形式对比及中西方思维模式差异

    Comparison of Chinese and English Language Forms and Differences between Chinese and Western Thought Patterns

  11. 在中学化学教学中利用对比实验发展学生思维品质的实践研究

    Develops the Student Chemistry Thought Quality Practice Research Using the Contrast Experiment in the Middle School Chemical Teaching

  12. 于是,顺理成章的引入了崭新的马氏写作思维理论:重复与对比的赋形思维、分析与综合的路径思维、协调与对抗的策略思维。

    Therefore , logical introduction brand-new Ma has written the thought theory : Redundant and contrast size enlargement thought that analysis and synthesis way thought that coordinated and resistance strategy thought .

  13. 而法官则通过对比语境效果和思维所付出的努力权衡双方解释的关联性强弱,并据此做出判决。

    By following the rule of relevance , Judges weigh the relevance of the interpretations in terms of contextual effects and processing efforts , to seek the optimal relevant interpretation and render a decision accordingly .

  14. 在思维的过程中,对比信息的效果是显著的,然而大量的学者认为,对比思维的过程中有集中于差异处和相似处两种不同的方式。

    But a lot of scholars think , there are focused on the differences and similarities in contrast to the process of thinking . Because the effectiveness of mind will generate obvious contrast in cognitive process .