
mó zhàng
  • demon;evil spirit;barrier set by the devil;evil influence
魔障 [mó zhàng]
  • [barrier set by the devil;evil influence] 佛教用语,恶魔所设的障碍,也泛指波折

魔障[mó zhàng]
  1. 逃不出政治风险的阴影魔障。

    But there is also the spectre of political risk .

  2. 明师如何处理徒弟的魔障,并让鬼魔也皈依修行?

    How does Master handle the demonic karmic hindrances of disciples , and convert the demons to practice spiritually under her ?

  3. 法国人坚信切尔西能够冲破在过去三年两次折戟半决赛的魔障。

    The Frenchman is confident Chelsea can get over the final hurdle having fallen twice in the past three seasons at the semi-final stage .

  4. “完美女儿”这种魔障我太了解了再糟糕不过了你一生都在担心自己会不会让父母失望

    I know all about the " Perfect daughter " thing . It 's the worst . You live your whole life in fear you 'll let your parents down .

  5. 此时,珠儿或许就会因为无法预见那魔障可能对她有何影响攥起小手,紧皱眉头,板起面孔,在小肠上露出不满的冷冷表情。

    Then , perhaps-for there was no foreseeing how it might affect her-pearl would frown , and clench her little fist , and harden her small features into a stern , unsympathising look of discontent .

  6. 我见过有些女人的照片。她们使自己的身体呈流线型,看上去如此迷人,明摆着是唬人的。这层魔障一旦被打破,她们一走起来,就能看出她们也不过是些寻常女子。

    I had seen photographs of women that streamlined their shapes and made them look so alluring that you knew it was all a trick , that once the spell was broken , and they moved , you would see that they were just ordinary women .