
  1. 他说袭击者是当地的一名40岁的吴姓村民,拥有幼儿园所在房屋的所有权。

    He said the assailant was believed to have been a local villager surnamed Wu , aged in his late40s , who owned the house in which the kindergarten was located .

  2. 上海新闻晨报的报道称,苹果店的吴姓负责人也听到有别人抱怨这个问题,她说她会向上级反映此事。

    According to the Shanghai Morning Post , an official at the store surnamed Wu said some other visitors had complained about the problem . Wu said he would report the problem to his supervisor .

  3. 学网站设计的吴(音译)姓学生表示,他会考虑去当农村基层的村官。

    Web design student Wu said he would consider taking a low-level village official post in the country .