
  • 网络Synthetic ammonia industry;xxt;industry of synthesizing ammonia
  1. 实践证明活化MDEA法是合成氨工业中极具竞争力的高效、节能脱CO2方法。

    The economic effectiveness is remarkable . Facts have proved that active MDEA method is a CO2 removal method of competitive efficiency and energy consumption in synthetic ammonia industry .

  2. 对合成氨工业废水监测项目的建议

    Proposal on monitoring items of waste water from synthetic ammonia industry

  3. 合成氨工业水污染治理技术研究

    Study on Water Pollution Treatment Technology in Synthetic Ammonia Industry

  4. 改进型折流杆换热器在合成氨工业中的应用

    Application of Improved Rod-Baffle Heat exchangers in Ammonia Synthesis Industry

  5. 云南省合成氨工业现状及展望

    Present Situation and Prospect of Synthesized Ammonia Industry in Yunnan

  6. 我国合成氨工业水污染物治理技术及控制标准

    Technology of Pollution Control in Synthetic Ammonia Industrial Wastewater and Control Standard in China

  7. 合成氨工业生产中的在线分析

    Automatic on-line Analysis in Chinese Synthetic Ammonia Industry

  8. 合成氨工业技术进步的几个问题

    Some problems on technological progress of ammonia

  9. 结论:合成氨工业水具有较强的致突变性,蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术可作为合成氨工业水的遗传毒性检测。

    Vicia-micronucleus test can be a promising detection way in the genetic toxicity of chemical industry wastewater .

  10. 蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术检测合成氨工业水的遗传毒性

    Study on Detecting the Genetic Toxicity of Synthesis Ammonia Industrial Waste by Vicia faba Root-tip Cell Micronucleus Technique

  11. 概述我国合成氨工业生产中在线自动分析微量有害杂质的发展与进步。

    Progress of automatic on line analysis for micro amount of imparities in Chinese synthetic ammonia industry is reviewed .

  12. 介绍了云南省合成氨工业现状,提出了云南省合成氨工业发展的思路。

    Present situation of synthesized ammonia industry in Yunnan Province was introduced , and development proposal was put forward .

  13. 而作为高能耗、高污染的合成氨工业,以节能、降耗、减污为主题的清洁生产改造一直是推动其技术进步的重要课题。

    For ammonia-synthesizing with high energy-cost and pollution , clean production aiming at energy-serving , cost-decreasing and pollution-reducing always is the important issue impelling firms ' technology progress .

  14. 模拟放大、工程设计、设备制造和材料性能的问题,是我国合成氨工业技术进步缓慢的主要原因。

    Problems existed in simulation scale-up , engineering design , equipment manufacture and materials properties are main causes for the slow technical progress of the ammonia industry in China .

  15. 展望我国合成氨工业的发展,节能型合成氨工艺与技术的开发和应用将有着更广阔的前景。

    With the development of synthetic ammonia industry in our country , the development and application of process and technology of energy-saving synthetic ammonia would have a better future .

  16. 铁基高温变换催化剂是当今合成氨工业,尤其是在国内中小型氮肥企业中被广泛采用的催化剂。

    The iron-based high-temperature shift catalyst is currently the one used extensively in the ammonia industry , especially in the medium - and small-scale nitrogenous fertilizer plants in China .

  17. 炼油、乙烯、合成氨工业中燃料分别占原料的7%、12%、40%~60%。

    Fuel holds 7 % , 12 % , 40 % ~ 60 % of the total feedstock in industrial processes such as petroleum refining , ethylene and synthetic ammonia production respectively .

  18. 纳米催化剂的反应速度比一般催化剂高10~15倍,国际上已把纳米催化剂称为第四代催化剂,这将使合成氨工业发生一场技术性革命。

    The reaction speed of the nanometer catalyst is 10 15 times higher than that of the ordinary catalyst , the nanometer catalyst is named as the fourth generation catalyst internationally , it makes ammonia synthesis industry becoming a technical revolution .

  19. 30万吨合成氨厂工业放射线的职业防护

    Occupational Protection of Industrial Radiation in 300kt / a Synthetic Ammonia Plant

  20. 建国60年合成氨尿素工业发展历程与展望

    Development Progress for Ammonia Synthesis and Urea Industries in 60 Years of State-Establishment and Forecast

  21. 总结了焦化汽油馏分低压加氢精制生产合成氨原料的工业试验情况。

    A commercial test of coker gasoline hydrotreating for synthetic ammonia feedstock was summarized .

  22. 汽轮机叶片疲劳设计在法国卅万吨合成氨成套设备工业汽轮机事故叶片改进设计上的应用

    The Fatigue Design of the Steam Turbine Bucket

  23. 铁系催化剂一直是合成氨及制氢工业中一氧化碳变换反应最常用的催化剂。

    The iron based catalysts for water-gas shift reaction are important in hydrogen production and ammonia synthesis .

  24. 低温甲醇洗工艺是一种重要的气体净化工艺,现已广泛的应用在合成氨等化学工业上。

    Rectisol , an important process of gas purification , is now widely used in chemical industries such as synthetic ammonia .

  25. 氨是最基本的化工原料之一,工业上氮肥的生产和更进一步的含氮化合物的合成都是以氨为起始原料,因此合成氨工业在国民经济中占有十分重要的地位。

    Ammonia is one of the most basic chemical raw materials in the world . Industrially , the production of nitrogenous fertilizer and the synthesis of organonitrogen compounds fundamentally depend on their nitrogen source on NH3 produced by Haber-Bosch process .

  26. 综述了石墨层间化合物的研究状况、结构特征、种类、合成方法及其催化作用,特别指出了它在合成氨工业中的开发前景。

    The state of graphite intercalation compounds and its catalysis , structure characteristic , variety , preparation are summarized . Specially , the perspective of amine compound is also described .