
hé lǐ shǐ yònɡ
  • fair use;fair dealing
  1. 私人复制:合理使用抑或侵权

    Personal Duplication : Fair Dealing or Infringement

  2. 英国的合理使用例外制度则是提供一个包含特定版权例外和限制的单一规则体系。

    Approach of fair dealing exceptions is to provide a unique mechanism which includes a large number of much more specific exceptions and limitations of copyright .

  3. 我们要以更宽的视野、更高的境界、更大的气魄,广开进贤之路,把各方面优秀干部及时发现出来、合理使用起来。

    We should open up , with greater vision , determination and courage , channels for recruiting talented personnel , quickly identify outstanding cadres in all fields and put them to good use .

  4. 合理使用浮点BASIC语言和6502汇编语言,使该系统既有一定的测控速度,又有友好的用户界面。

    We also reasonably use the Float BASIC and 6502 Assembler Language to ensure the system with both higher measuring speed and friendly user interface .

  5. 因此,如何合理使用抗菌药物,成为临床有效治疗MRSA感染和预防MRSA耐药性发展的关键。

    How to use antibacterial agents reasonably is the key to treat MRSA infection .

  6. 结论:ICU应加强病原菌的耐药性监测,合理使用抗生素。

    Conclusion : We should enhance surveillance of the pathogens and drugs resistance in ICU , and use antibiotics reasonable .

  7. CO2气体保护焊具有高效、节能、焊接变形小、焊缝成形美观等优点,且随着国产CO2气体保护焊机和焊丝开发应用,只要合理使用CO2气体保护焊,其在汽车工业中有很大的使用价值。

    The CO2 GMAW has the advantage of high effect . Save power smaller distortion of welding and elegant welding molding . Along with developing and application of nation the CO2 GMAW machine .

  8. 结论:PA耐药菌株多,合理使用抗生素及加强各环节的严格消毒,对PA-VAP的防治十分有益。

    Conclusion : Antibiotic resistance in P.aeruginosa is wide . The use of appropriate antibiotics and strictly sterilizing measures may be immensely beneficial for the prophylaxis and treatment of PA VAP .

  9. 结论应合理使用抗感染药物。加强中药注射剂的质量监控,加强专业人员的业务和服务素质的培训,以减少和避免ADR的发生。

    CONCLUSIONS : Rational use of anti-infective drugs , the good quality of TCM injection and enhance the professional activities and service quality should be emphasized to decrease the occurrence of ADR .

  10. 提示临床工作中需合理使用抗生素、加强病房管理,严格执行无菌操作及洗手制度,预防医院感染发生,降低ICU患者医院感染发生率。

    Therefore , medical staffs must use antibiotics rationally , strengthening the ward management , strictly implement aseptic technique and hand-washing system , preventing hospital infection , reducing the incidence of infection in ICU patients .

  11. 结论:合理使用蛋白酶体抑制剂可通过有效抑制凋亡蛋白Bax降解,逆转恶性淋巴瘤细胞对TRAIL的药物抵抗,为合理用药提供理论依据。

    Conclusions : Reasonable use of the proteasome inhibitor PS-341 can effectively inhibit the degradation of the apoptotic protein Bax and reverse TRAIL resistance of malignant lymphoma cells , thus supplying a theoretical base for reasonable administration .

  12. 结论加强神经内科重症监护病房的细菌监测,及时发现菌群分布,合理使用抗生素,消除医院内的易感染因素,对有效控制NICU感染十分重要。

    Conclusion It is important to monitor bacterium , use antibiotics correctly , detect the pathogenic microorganism and prevent risk factors for controlling the infection of NICU .

  13. 设定权利是解决公地悲剧(Tragedyofthecommons)的一项重要举措,私人所有者基于对自身利益的考虑往往更倾向于合理使用并发展其掌控的资源。

    Establishing rights and duties for using resources is known to resolve the tragedy of the commons because private owners are more inclined towards proper use and maintenance of the owned resource based on their own interests .

  14. 放大器在HFC电缆分配网络中具有重要作用,阐述放大器的设计与指标计算方法,介绍放大器的调整方式,指出合理使用放大器的方法。

    CATV Amplifier plays an important role in HFC network . This paper elaborates the design proce - dures , index calculation and modulating process of an amplifier , and points out the rational way of using it .

  15. 目的研究新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)败血症和菌血症的病原菌分布及其耐药情况,为合理使用抗生素提供依据。

    Objective To study the distribution of pathogens causing neonatal septicemia / bacteriemia and their drug-resistance in neonatal intensive care unit ( NICU ) and to provide evidence for reasonable use of antibiotics .

  16. 合理使用SACETRA是维护大容量S1240程控交换机的一项重要工作。

    Reasonable use of SACETRA source is very important in the maintenance of large capacity S1240 SPC exchange systems .

  17. 本文简略介绍FFT的基本思想和算法规律,研究在小型通用数字计算机SDJ-1上如何合理使用机器内存,实现FFT并作谱分析的问题。

    This paper briefly describes the basic principle and the algorithm of fast Fourier transform , and presents how we have made rational use of minicomputer 's memory to implement FFT for spectral analysis in the minicomputer SDJ-1 .

  18. 目的探讨C-反应蛋白(C-RP)在新生儿感染诊断中的应用价值及其在指导抗菌药物合理使用中的意义。

    Objective To study the clinical effects of C-reactive protein ( C-RP ) on monitoring neonatal infections and instructing on the reasonable use of antibiotics .

  19. 盐湖钾肥的合理使用和农业评价

    The rational utilization and evaluation of Salt Lake Potash in agriculture

  20. 皮革染色助剂的合理使用对染色效果的影响

    Effects of the Reasonable Use of Dyeing Assistants on Leather Dyeing

  21. 数控加工刀具半径补偿的合理使用

    The proper Usage of Tool Radius Compensation in Numerical Control Machining

  22. 商店建筑合理使用人数的计算方法

    Calculation of the Reasonable Number of People Served in Store Building

  23. 数字图书馆版权合理使用研究

    A Study of the Reasonable Use of Copyrights of digital Libraries

  24. 目的促进抗菌药物合理使用。

    Objective The article aims to the rational use of antibacterials .

  25. 医院服务性人力资源的合理使用问题

    Problems about reasonable use of service manpower resource in hospital

  26. 这一结论对合理使用角反射器将是十分有益的。

    This conclusion will advantage using the corner reflector reasonably .

  27. 合理使用制度是版权法中的一个非常重要的制度。

    Fair use is extremely important in the copyright law .

  28. 论合理使用在网络环境下的使用界定

    On Definition of the Fair Use of Copyright over Internet

  29. 选择性5-羟色胺再吸收抑制剂的不良反应及其合理使用

    Adverse reactions and rational uses of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

  30. 如何合理使用多媒体资源

    Talking about how to make full use of multimedia resources