
  • 网络BIOSTIME;Synbiotics
  1. 他们是顶级的产品,如合生元的范围。

    They are top range products such as Biostime 's top range .

  2. 合生元对艾维因肉鸡生长性能和免疫功能的影响

    Effect of synbiotics on growth performance and immune function of AA broilers

  3. 目的探讨健康儿童口服法国合生元益生菌冲剂后的唾液中sIgA(分泌型IgA)含量的变化,从而判定其对提高消化道黏膜免疫的作用。

    The change of secreted IgA ( sIgA ) concentration in saliva from children who took orally Biostime Children 's Probiotic Sachet was monitored .

  4. 合生元对烧伤大鼠肠源性感染的影响

    The research on the burned rats intestinal infection treated with syn biotics

  5. 消化道肿瘤患者围手术期应用含乳酸菌合生元肠内营养的临床研究

    Studies of the Perioperative Enteral Nutrition with Specific Lactobacillus Synbiotics in Patients with Gastrointestinal Tumor

  6. 嗜酸乳杆菌合生元对非甾体抗炎药引起的大鼠胃黏膜损伤的保护作用

    Protective Effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus Synbiotics on Gastric Mucosal Damage Induced by Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs in Rats

  7. 中草药合生元对断奶仔猪生产性能及饲料表观消化率的影响

    Effect of Chinese Medicine Herbal Synbiotics on Production Capability and Apparent Digestibility of Feed on Weaned Piglets

  8. 益生菌&黄芪多糖合生元的研制及其对腹泻犊牛肠道菌群结构影响的研究

    Manufacture of Synbiotics for Probiotics and Astragalus Polysaccharide and Study on Its Impact on the Diarrhea of Neonatal Calf 's Variation of Bacterioflora

  9. 法式囊和脾脏指数合生元组均显著高于空白组、黄芪多糖组和益生菌组(p<0.05);

    The index of Bursa of Fabricius and Spleen of APS + PM group are both significantly higher than the others ( p < 0.05 ) .

  10. 明天,合生元人将一如既往,励精图治,进一步发挥科技人才优势,潜心研制,努力开发,将一流的产品奉献给用户。

    Tomorrow , the people of heshengyuan will work hard as always , make more efforts to get more prosperity , develop the advantage of skilled personnel further , develop with great concentration and present the best product to all user .