
  • 网络prebiotic;prebiotics;GoS;FOS;Oligo
  1. 活菌制剂治疗感染性腹泻的探讨及益生元的展望

    Discussion on live microorganisms for infectious diarrhea and prospects for prebiotics

  2. 益生元在乳制品和冰淇淋产品开发中的应用

    Application of prebiotics in the areas of dairy and ice cream products

  3. 日本益生菌、益生元市场与应用概况嫌气好气细菌培养器

    The market and application of probiotic bacteria and probiotics in Japan

  4. 益生素和益生元在营养和健康中的新观念

    New Concepts of Probiotics and Prebiotics in Nutrition and Health

  5. 益生元研究及其在龟鳖养殖中的应用

    Prebiotics Research and Its Application in Breeding Tortoise and Soft shelled Turtle

  6. 益生元在功能性甜食中的流行趋势及开发应用

    The trend and application of prebiotics in functional sweetmeat

  7. 文中介绍了益生元的营养及其应用研究进展。

    Process of nutrition and application research of prebiotics are introduced in this article .

  8. 海洋生物新材料中益生元的开发与应用

    Exploitation and application of prebiotics from marine organisms

  9. 益生菌和益生元在功能性食品中的应用现状及展望

    The application and prospect of probiotics and prebiotics in functional food in different countries

  10. 益生元的营养及应用研究进展

    Process of Nutrition and Application Research of Prebiotics

  11. 添加益生元肠内营养对重症急性胰腺炎肠屏障损害和内毒素易位的作用

    Enteral nutrition with prebiotics on intestinal barrier dysfunction and endotoxin translocation in severe acute pancreatitis

  12. 不同功能性低聚糖的益生元功效比较

    A prebiotics effect comparison of functional oligosaccharides

  13. 益生元是乳品更新换代的流行元素之一,为乳品带来了更多的营养和健康。

    Prebiotics is a popular functional ingredient in dairy products because of its effects for health .

  14. 益生元的营养功能

    Nutritive Function of Prebiotic

  15. 作为抗生素的第二代替代品,益生元已成为动物营养研究的新热点。

    Being second-generation substitute of antibiotic , prebiotics have been the hotspot in the research of animals nutrition currently .

  16. 介绍了益生元的类型,在肠道方面的代谢机理,对肠道微生态系统的调节,以及其他的生理功能和在一些疾病中的热点应用。

    This research introduce the types , mechanism and physiological function , some application is referred in the diseases .

  17. 益生元作为一种健康的功能配料,已经广泛应用于乳品、焙烤、饮料等领域。

    Prebiotics , as a kind of healthy ingredient , has widely used in dairy , bakery , beverage , and so on .

  18. 为了大力推广益生菌和益生元,介绍了日本益生菌制品、益生元、灭活细胞粉及对它们的管理情况。

    In order to promote probiotic bacteria and probiotics , Japanese probiotic products , probiotics , inactivated cell powder and their management were introduced .

  19. 益生元是一类人不能消化的食物成分,通过被大肠中的细菌发酵,调节肠道菌群的结构和代谢,改善宿主健康。

    Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that modulate the structure and metabolism of gut microbiota by being fermented by colonic bacteria and thus improve host health .

  20. 在这四种益生元中,大豆低聚糖的抑制效果最强,低聚木糖次之,低聚果糖,低聚甘露糖的抑制效果较弱。

    Among these four prebiotics , soybean oligosaccharide has the most obvious effect , Xylo-oligosaccharides follow it , Fructo-oligosaccharides , Man-oligo - saccharides have fewer roles than them .

  21. 这是第一个也是唯一一个婴儿配方奶粉含有独特益生元,核苷酸和抗氧化物的夹杂,来帮忙你的宝宝免疫系统的发育。

    It 's the first and only infant formula that has a unique blend of prebiotics , nucleotides and antioxidants to support your baby 's developing immune system .

  22. 添加玉米低聚糖、大豆低聚糖、棉籽低聚糖、异麦芽低聚糖等促进益生菌生长繁殖的,抑制有害菌生长的益生元。

    Various prebiotics that promote growth of prebiotics and inhibit the growth of pernicious bacteria are added , such as corn oligosaccharides , cottonseed oligosaccharides , isomaltooligosaccharide , etc.

  23. 目的低聚半乳糖是一种益生元,国内外目前对益生元对肠粘膜屏障及肠道微生态的影响机制有较多研究,且动物实验中已经取得了良好的效果。

    Objective GOS is a prebiotic , it has many research about the impact of prebiotics on the intestinal mucosal barrier and the gut microflora mechanism . It has achieved good results in animal experiments .

  24. 寡果糖是一种被普遍应用的益生元,很多研究表明它可以促进双歧杆菌的生长,但还没有研究在系统水平上调查寡果糖对肠道菌群的结构和代谢、以及宿主代谢的影响。

    Fructo-oligosaccharides ( FOS ) are one type of prebiotics which is widely applied in food industry . Many studies demonstrated FOS stimulated the growth of bifidobacteria , but few studies systematically investigated its effects on the composition and activities of gut microflora , as well as the host metabolism .