
yì chóng
  • beneficial insect;useful insects
益虫 [yì chóng]
  • [beneficial insects] 对人类有益的昆虫,如螳螂、蜜蜂、蚕、蜻蜓、瓢虫等

益虫[yì chóng]
  1. 昆虫脑神经肽和昆虫神经内分泌系统(neuroendocrinesystem)的研究是现代分子生物学的重要领域之一,也是益虫利用、害虫生物防治的前沿研究领域。

    Research on the insect brain neuropeptides and neuroendocrine system is one of the important fields of modem molecular biology , and is also a frontier field of beneficial insect utilization and biological pesticides development .

  2. n.瓢虫瓢虫是益虫还是害虫?

    eg : Does ladybug a good insect or bad insect ?

  3. 基于logistic模型并加以改进建模,通过分析微分方程平衡点的稳定性,分别得出了自然状态下益虫和害虫的数量发展规律。

    Based on logistic model , a new predator-prey model is advanced , and then the stability of its equilibrium points is analyzed to solve the regularity of the trend of beneficial insects and pests without human interference .

  4. 这种益虫会引发一种叫做IL-1的人类自身不能产生的免疫应答物质,使得葡萄球菌成为如同对于人类生存同等重要的器官一般的人体至关重要的组成部分。原核生物在消化道开拓殖民地,覆盖每一寸皮肤外表面。

    The good bug triggers an immune response called IL-1 that the body can 't produce on its own , making Staphlococcus a necessary part of the human body , as vital to our existence as any organ.Prokaryotes , which also colonize the digestive tract , cover every exterior surface on the skin .

  5. 益虫得以繁衍,以遏制害虫的数量。

    Beneficial insects are allowed to flourish to keep pest insects in check .

  6. 一种以毒攻毒益虫的扩散模型研究

    Research on Spread Model of Protecting Worm

  7. 杀虫剂也会杀死益虫。

    Insecticides also kill helpful insects .

  8. 这些组合可以提高收成,减少疾病,还有助于通过吸引益虫来控制虫害。

    These can improve harvests , reduce disease and help with pest control by attracting helpful insects .

  9. 套种可以促进作物生长,减少疾病,通过吸引益虫控制害虫。

    These can better crops , reduce disease and help with pest control by attracting helpful insects .

  10. 但在进行基因改善,抵制昆虫的同时,也可有能杀死益虫而未找到害虫。

    So far , fears that genetically modified , pest-resistant crops might kill good insects as well as bad appear unfounded .

  11. 简单地说,农民们看到益虫往往会将害虫吃掉,如果发生这种情况,农药便成为多余的。

    Put simply , farmers see that beneficial insects often devour pests , and when this is happening , pesticide is not needed .

  12. 该设计旨在为伦敦动物园引入益虫,且已经赢得了伦敦“走出蜂箱”设计大赛的桂冠。

    Bug Hotel , which is designed to bring helpful insects into London parks and just won the city of London 's " Beyond the Hive " competition .

  13. 但也有许多批评人士不赞成喷洒,包括当地的有机农场经营者玛丽•特德,她担心会对像蜜蜂这样的益虫造成影响。

    But there are also many critics of the spraying program , including local organic farm operator Marie Tedei , who worries about the effect on beneficial insects like bees .

  14. 茶园冬防对茶树主要害益虫种群动态的影响信阳地区茶园常见害虫和天敌种类的调查

    The Effects of Overwintering Pest Control on the Population Dynamics of the Tea Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Tea Gardens Major Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Tea Field in Xinyang

  15. 本文拟就昆虫商业性利用,益虫资源利用,昆虫在休闲、教育利用,生物多样性研究及高科技应用等方面进行探讨,期使台湾昆虫资源在兼顾生态保育下能永续利用。

    This paper discussed on the insect resources in commercial use , utilization of benefit insects , the role in ecotourism and education , the researches of biodiversity and the application in high-technology industries . It is expected to achieve a balance between the substantial utilization and conservation .