
hé yínɡ qǐ yè zhānɡ chénɡ
  • articles of a joint venture
  1. (一)合营企业章程的修改;

    Amendment of the articles of association of the joint venture ;

  2. 其他事项,可以根据合营企业章程载明的议事规则做出决议。

    Resolutions on other matters may be made in accordance with the rules of procedure stated in the articles of association of the joint venture .

  3. 合营企业章程,是按照合营企业合同规定的原则,经合营各方一致同意,规定合营企业的宗旨、组织原则和经营管理方法等事项的文件。

    " Joint venture articles of association " refers to the document agreed upon by the parties to the venture that , based upon the principles stipulated in the joint venture contract , sets forth the purpose , organizational principles and operational and managerial methods of the joint venture .

  4. 合营企业合同、章程所规定的其他解散原因已经出现。

    Any other cause for dissolution of the joint venture under the joint venture contract and articles of association has cropped up .

  5. 第十八条审批机构和登记管理机构对合营企业合同、章程的执行负有监督检查的责任。

    Article 18 The examining and approving agency and the agency for registration and administration are responsible for supervising and investigating the implementation of the joint venture contract and articles of association .

  6. 经合营各方同意,也可以不订立合营企业协议而只订立合营企业合同、章程。

    The parties to the venture may agree to omit a joint venture agreement and conclude only a joint venture contract and articles of association .