
  • 网络basketball tactics
  1. 表象训练在篮球战术训练中的应用研究

    Application of imagery training in the colleges ' basketball tactics training

  2. 对当代篮球战术运用特点的探讨

    Seeking the Characteristics of Contemporary Basketball Tactics in the Practical Application

  3. 试论篮球战术的组织及运用原则

    The Organization of the Strategies and the Practiced Application in Basketball

  4. 快攻是篮球战术中的重点部分。

    Fast attack is one of the strategies in playing basketball .

  5. 比赛训练法在高校篮球战术教学中运用的实验研究

    " Competition Training Method " in University Basketball Tactic Teaching

  6. 篮球战术教学中控制论的运用和研究

    Application with study of cybernetics in the teaching and learning of basketball

  7. 篮球战术教学软件的研制与实验

    Development of teaching software of basketball tactics and its teaching

  8. 论篮球战术意识的培养与提高

    An Opinion of Training and Improving Basketball Players Tactical Thinking

  9. 关于篮球战术训练中负荷安排的初步探讨

    A Tentative Study on Workload Arrangement in Basketball Tactical Training

  10. 篮球战术教学思维训练模糊控制的应用研究

    Application Research of Fuzzy Control on Thought Training of Basketball Tactical Teaching

  11. 论现代篮球战术的特征与功能

    On the Function and Characters of the Modern Basketball Strategy

  12. 信息化教学条件下篮球战术思维评价体系的设计与研究

    Design and Study on Basketball Tactics Thinking Evaluation System under Informationization Instructive Condition

  13. 篮球战术创新原理新探

    New Study on Innovative Theory of Modern Basketball Tactics

  14. 昨天他在新华书店买了一本《篮球战术》。

    He bought a book on basketball tactics from the Xinghua book-store yesterday .

  15. 篮球战术网络学习法的设计与运用

    Design and Application of Basketball Tactics Network Learning Method

  16. 图解教学法在高校篮球战术配合教学中的运用研究

    Research on the Application of Graphic Methods in College Basketball Tactical Combination Teaching

  17. 篮球战术意识及其培养

    The Tactical Sense of Basketball and its Training

  18. 论篮球战术系统

    The Discussion on the Tactical System of Basketball

  19. 体育系篮球战术教学特点分析

    A Talk About Characteristics of Basketball Tactics Teaching

  20. 现代篮球战术的内涵概述

    On the Connotation of Modern Basketball Tactics

  21. 篮球战术教学的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Tactics Teaching in Basketball

  22. 如何培养现代篮球战术意识,对促进现代篮球运动的发展有着重要的作用。

    Therefore , how to cultivate this consciousness is very important for the basketball sport .

  23. 通过实验结果显示,篮球战术划区域教学方法明显优于常规教学法。

    Through the experiment , basketball tactics area delimited teaching method is better than traditional method .

  24. 论现代篮球战术意识

    On tactic consciousness of modern basketball

  25. 现代篮球战术的创新理论与方法

    Innovative Theory of Modern Basketball Tactics

  26. 现代篮球战术创新理论

    New Theory in Modern Basketball Tactics

  27. 普通高校篮球战术教学中的三种关系

    Modest proposal of three relationships in the teaching and learning of basketball tactics of the common colleges

  28. 篮球战术基础配合的质量直接影响全队战术完成的效果和个人技术的发挥。

    The quality of basic coordination of tactics has an important role in the performance in basketball .

  29. 篮球战术意识是当代篮球运动发展中不容忽视的重要理论和实践问题。

    The strategy consciousness is of importance theoretically and practically in the development of the basketball exercise .

  30. 浅析篮球战术中挡拆配合易犯错误及其原因

    An Analysis of the Mistakes and Causes in " Defensive Advance " Observed in Basketball Tactic Teaching