
lán qiú chǎnɡ dì
  • basketball court
  1. 篮球场地:篮球的场地大小有别,FIBA(国际篮联)标准的场地长28米、宽15米。

    Basketball Court : The dimension of individual basketball courts vary , a playing area 28m long and 15m wide is considered standard for FIBA ( International Basketball Federation ) .

  2. 廊坊市中学的篮球场地乐观,基本达到了训练要求。

    5 , Langfang secondary school basketball court optimistic , basically reaching training requirements .

  3. 今天全体队员清扫篮球场地上的积雪。

    Physical clean-up All the team members cleared the snow on the basketball court today .

  4. 长期以来,各中学初步具备了规模不等的篮球场地与设施。

    A long time , the school initially equipped scale ranging from basketball venues and facilities .

  5. 通过篮球场地的历史演变,对篮球运动发展的促进及影响进行探讨。

    The paper studies how the development of basketball courts promotes and affects the progress of basketball .

  6. 标准的排球场地少,有部分学校是在篮球场地或田径场地等上课。

    There is little standard volleyball field and the lessons are held in the basketball field or track field in some of these schools .

  7. 影响篮球场地意识形成和发展的因素主要是来源于篮球运动员本身所具备的主观方面的内在因素与客观方面的外部因素。

    The factors that affect the formation and development of basketball players ' field consciousness mainly come from the inward and outward factors that basketball players have .

  8. 篮球场地意识形成与发展的需要由观察、思维加工和行动三个过程构成。

    The requirement of the formation and development of basketball players ' field consciousness consists of 3 processes , observing , thinking processing and action . 4 .

  9. 一群吉林的大学生在白雪覆盖的室外篮球场地上,制作了一幅科比的巨大头像来表示对科比的尊敬和喜爱。

    Several students in Jilin province showed their respect and love for Bryant by drawing a picture of him on an outdoor basketball field covered by snow .

  10. 黑龙江省普通高校篮球场地、器材能够保证基本教学,但是场地、器材陈旧,不能满足学生的运动需要。

    The venues ensure the basic teaching in Heilongjiang Province universities , but it can not meet the needs of students because of the less of space , equipment obsolete .

  11. 篮球场地设施及器材建设相对滞后和不足,影响了教学活动和教学质量,不利于课堂教学和学生课外锻炼的顺利进行。

    The comparative old and insufficient facilities of basketball teaching influenced the qualities of basketball teaching . Besides , it is not good for students to take exercise after school . 5 .

  12. 篮球场地布局不合理,篮球场地的建设应该在学生比较集中的宿舍区,利于学生参加体育运动。2、泉州地区高校篮球宣传存在不足。

    The basketball court layout is unreasonable , the construction of the basketball court should be more concentrated in the student dormitory area , which will help students to participate in sports .

  13. 篮球场地意识结构由四个方面组成,即篮球运动的知觉、篮球运动的注意、篮球运动的记忆、篮球运动的策略。

    The basketball players ' field consciousness consists of 4 parts , the consciousness of basketball , the attention of basketball , the memory of basketball and the strategy of basketball . 3 .

  14. 造成这种现象的主要原因之一是他们的篮球场地意识较差,此问题已成为阻碍高校高水平篮球运动发展的重要因素。

    One of the reasons that caused the phenomenon of this kind is they have a poor basketball field consciousness , which has become an important factor interfering the development of high level basketball players .

  15. 篮球比赛场地应是一块平坦、坚实且无障碍物的表面,长28米,宽15米。

    The match court shall be a flat , stark playing surface without any obstacles , and the dimension is28m x15m .

  16. 泉州地区高校篮球活动场地器材基本能满足教学的需要,但是在课外篮球活动中,由于涌入场地的学生数量增加,导致场地不够用。

    Quanzhou area college basketball venue equipment can basically meet the needs of teaching , but in extracurricular basketball activities , due to the increase in the number of the influx of students of the venue , leading to the venue is not enough .

  17. 中、小学篮球器材和场地规格国家标准的研究

    Research on National Standard of Basketball Equipment and Court of Middle and Primary Schools

  18. 中锋在一些团体运动项目中,如足球和篮球,占据场地或前锋线上中间位置的运动员。

    A player who holds a middle position on the field , court , or forward line in some team sports , such as football and basketball .

  19. 采用逻辑分析、测量、实验与问卷调查法,对初中、小学篮球器材和场地规格的国家标准进行研究。

    Through using the method of logical analysis , measurement , experiment and questionnaire , this paper makes study on national standard of basketball equipment and court of middle and primary schools .

  20. 调查显示,广西篮球传统学校训练场地和设施基本能满足学生训练的需要;

    According to the investigation , training field and apparatus of TBS can meet the needs of training on the whole ;

  21. 篮球运动无论从场地设施、环境条件、学生休闲体育观念还是体育文化个性等方面都是比较适合高校学生进行休闲活动的体育项目之一,其价值和意义更为突出。

    Basketball is one of the sports which are suitable for the college students in terms of sports apparatus , activity environment , the student 's view on sports as well as its characteristic of sports culture . Furthermore , its value and significance are especially prominent .

  22. 篮球选项课课时少,班级人数多,学生的篮球基础差、场地器材不足等因素是目前影响学生篮球课学习与锻炼效果的主要原因。

    The short studying course , crowded students and their bad base of basketball are the main factors of influence on studying quality .

  23. 公办中学将室内篮球场用于学校的体育教学的时间较少,学生课外活动时间基本上不能使用室内篮球场地,闲置率比较高。

    Public high school indoor basketball courts for physical education in schools to use less time , student time is basically extra-curricular activities can not use indoor basketball court .