
  • The Basketball Game;Basketball Match
  1. 但NBA与CBA篮球比赛所带来的效益却大相径庭。

    But with a basketball game in NBA and CBA the benefits are different .

  2. 斯科特指出,去年,为了推动与北京的清华大学的一个项目,华盛顿大学的几名官员亲临该校哈士奇队(Huskies)与德克萨斯大学长角牛队(Longhorns)的篮球比赛现场。

    Scott noted that several Washington officials went along to last year 's Huskies-Longhorns basketball game to further an initiative between the university and Tsinghua University in Beijing .

  3. 那天下午一场大雨把我们的篮球比赛泡汤了。

    Heavy rain that afternoon washed out our basketball match .

  4. 他在篮球比赛中担任记分员。

    He marks the score in the basketball match .

  5. 担任这个职位的学生将在篮球比赛中负责进行实时统计。

    Students in this position will be keeping live statistics during basketball games .

  6. 对NBA篮球比赛中防守模式的研究

    Research on the Model of Defense in the NBA Basketball Match

  7. 从运动美角度来观赏美国NBA篮球比赛

    Watching NBA Matches from the Perspective of Sports Aesthetics

  8. Lucy原打算看一场篮球比赛。

    Lucy was going to watch a basketball match .

  9. 浅谈NBA中锋技术在篮球比赛中的运用

    The NBA Center Forward Tactics in Basketball Competition

  10. CBA篮球比赛兼顾球员进攻和防守能力的出场阵容的模糊决策

    Research on Fuzzy Decision of Lineup Considering Player 's Attack and Defense Ability in CBA Basketball Competition

  11. 采用文献资料与数理统计相结合的研究方法,对NBA优秀大前锋的技术结构进行评价,阐述了在现代篮球比赛中大前锋的作用。

    Through literature study and statistics , the paper evaluates the technical structures of the NBA excellent power forwards and expatiates on the functions of the power forwards in the modern basketball matches .

  12. 作为一支球队,湖人队在超级球星推动球队取得成功的时候总是表现得最好——在篮球比赛中,最家喻户晓的名字莫过于那个获得过三次全明星比赛MVP的23号。

    As a franchise , the Lakers have always worked best when celebrity drove its success - and there 's not a bigger household name in basketball than No. 23 , the three-time All-Star Game MVP .

  13. 谈篮球比赛中的频繁换人战术

    Talk about the tactic of frequently changing players in basketball matches

  14. 篮球比赛中三分远投运用的探讨

    A Brief Discussion About Three point Shot in a Basketball Match

  15. 篮球比赛身体接触技术之我见

    On the Technique of Body Contact in the Basket Ball Match

  16. 我的岳父有北卡洛来纳大学篮球比赛的门票吗?

    That my father-in-law has season tickets to UNC basketball games ?

  17. 对现代篮球比赛3分球运用的定位

    The Application of the Three-Point Field Goal in Modern Basketball Sports

  18. 篮球比赛计时记分系统设备的研制与应用

    Design and Application of Timing and Scoring Equipment in Basketball Match

  19. 篮球比赛在什么时候?在五月12日。

    When is the basketball game ? It 's on May12th .

  20. 老师说他对我们篮球比赛的结果非常满意。

    The teacher said he the result of the basketball game .

  21. 团队合作永远都是伟大的篮球比赛的基础。

    And teamwork has always been the cornerstone of great basketball .

  22. 今天下午有篮球比赛吗?

    Is there going to be a basketball game this afternoon ?

  23. 篮球比赛中攻防转换速度的分析

    An Analysis on the Offence-defense Conversion Speed in the Basketball Match

  24. 他一看电视中的篮球比赛就兴奋不已。

    He always gets carried away when watching basketball on tv .

  25. 昨天市体育馆有场篮球比赛。

    There was a basketball game at the Municipal Gymnasium yesterday .

  26. 篮球比赛中非言辞沟通、传达的特点与形式

    Characteristics and Forms of Non-verbal Connection and Communication in Basketball Matches

  27. 篮球比赛中的犯规现象

    Phenomenon A Study on the Occurrence of Fouls in Basketball Competition

  28. 对篮球比赛中进攻假动作的研究

    Research on the Artificial Action of the Attack in Basketball Match

  29. 半场区域对位防守在篮球比赛中的运用

    The Application of Zone and Man-for-Man Defence in Half-Court in Basketball Games

  30. 现代篮球比赛加时赛的态势分析与对策研究

    Modern Basketball Game Overtime Period Situation Analysis and Countermeasure Research