
  • 网络basketball referee
  1. 结果表明,基于Web的网络教学技术较好地克服了篮球裁判教学中的难点,取得更好的教学效果。

    The study result indicates : internet longdistance teaching system for basketball referee teaching is able to improve quality of basketball referee teaching and acquires better teaching effect .

  2. 针对篮球裁判教学中存在的问题以及篮球裁判教学网页匮乏的现状,研制了体育院校篮球裁判Internet教学系统,并在教学实践中进行体验。

    In view of the shortcoming and lack of teaching web pages existed in basketball referee teaching system , the internet teaching system for basketball referee is manufactured and put into teaching practice .

  3. 高师体育专业篮球裁判能力的培养

    The Training of High Level Referees of Basketball in College

  4. 重视加强体育专业篮球裁判技能的培养

    Great Attachment to the Strategic Training of Basketball Referees of PE Majors

  5. 大学生篮球裁判临场执裁能力的探讨

    Study on Ability College Student Basketball Referee Being on Site

  6. 篮球裁判临场选位与移动问题研究

    On the Position Selecting and Movement of the Basketball Referees

  7. 因此,现代篮球裁判工作正面临着前所未有巨大的挑战。

    Therefore , the work of a referee is facing unparalleled challenge .

  8. 计算机在篮球裁判训练中的应用

    Application of Computer in Training How to Referee Basketball

  9. 篮球裁判初学者的心理状态浅析

    Study on Mental State of Beginner as Basketball Judge

  10. 浙江省篮球裁判人才培养现状及发展对策研究

    Current situation and development countermeasure of talent cultivation of basketball referees in Zhejiang

  11. 篮球裁判工作是学校篮球教学、训练和组织竞赛不可缺少的内容。

    The task of basketball judges is indispensable contents of school basketball teaching and training .

  12. 篮球裁判工作是开展篮球运动和搞好篮球竞赛必不可少的重要组成部分。

    Basketball judges play an essential and important role in the sports competition and organization .

  13. 略论篮球裁判应具备的心理品质

    On psychological qualities needed by basketball judges

  14. 同时,对篮球裁判工作提出了更新、更高的要求。

    At the same time , basketball referees are required with newer knowledge and higher capability .

  15. 研究性学习对培养学生篮球裁判能力效果的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Influence of Researching Study on Culturing the Referee Ability of Students to Basketball

  16. 发挥大学生优势从高校培养高水平篮球裁判

    Give Full Play to the Superiority of Universities Students to Develop Basketball Referees with High Qualifications in Colleges

  17. 对篮球裁判工作的思考

    Thought About Basketball Judgement

  18. 然后,对评价结果进行了正态检验,结果:实验班和对照班学生篮球裁判技能综合评定成绩均成正态。

    A positive test was made on the evaluating result , which showed that the evaluation was positive .

  19. 再者,学生篮球裁判技能的培养也是普通高校体育教育的一项重要内容。

    Besides , it is also important to cultivate the referee ability and skills of students in colleges and universities .

  20. 介绍了《篮球裁判教学系统》的设计和应用特点,以期为篮球裁判课程的教学改革提供参考。

    This article introduces the designation and application of the System for Basketball Referee Teaching so as to provide references for accelerating the teaching reform of basketball course .

  21. 参加篮球裁判培训的性别的比例不合理,参加培训的学员大部分都是体育院校大学生,社会人员占少部分。

    To participate in the sex ratio of the basketball referee training is irrational , training students are mostly university students in physical , social workers , accounted for a small part .

  22. 近年来湖南省篮球裁判队伍水平一直停滞不前,整体裁判队伍的业务水平和综合素质与优秀裁判省份还有一定的差距。

    In the recent years , the level of the basketball refereeing in Hunan province is at standstill . There is a significant difference between Hunan refereeing and excellence of the area , both in expertise and overall quality .

  23. 培训老师参加大赛的机会不多,执裁年限较短,学历和计算机运用能力有待提高;4、从陕西省参加篮球裁判培训的人员结构方面来看。

    Training of teachers have few opportunities to participate in the contest , judging life of a shorter qualifications and computer skills to be improved ; 4 . From the basketball referee training personnel structure point of view of Shaanxi Province .

  24. 目前四川省整体篮球裁判队伍的业务水平和综合素质与其它省份还有一定的差距,因此,四川省篮球裁判队伍的整体提高与建设是目前摆在我们面前的一项重要任务。

    Sichuan Province the overall basketball referee team business level and the overall quality and excellent referee provinces there is a certain gap . therefore , the the basketball referee team overall improvement of the building is an important task before us .

  25. 同时,完善篮球裁判管理机构,加强青年裁判的业务学习和体能训练,全面提高裁判员的业务能力和职业道德素质,引入严格的考核和晋级机制。

    At the same time , perfect basketball referee management institutions , strengthen youth referees business learning and physical training , and comprehensively improve the operational capacity of referees and the quality of professional ethics , and the introduction of strict appraisal and promotion mechanisms .

  26. 将案例教学法引入篮球裁判法的教学中,通过教学实验发现,案例教学法对学生掌握和应用篮球规则及提高学生的裁判能力上效果显著。

    This article introduces case-teaching method into the teaching of basketball judgement . The teaching experiment indicates that the use of case-teaching method has a remarkable effect on the students ' mastering and applying basketball rules and raises the students ' ability of basketball judgment .

  27. 本文采用文献综述法、观察比较法和专家访谈法对篮球裁判初学者在执法过程中的心理状态进行分析,并提出相应的心理训练和改进不良心理状态的方法。

    Through using the method of literature research , observation and comparison , expert interview , this paper makes analysis on mental state of beginner as basketball judge during the judgment , put forwards the corresponding method of mental training and improved bad mental state .

  28. 本文通过调查,结合自己几年来培养学生篮球裁判的工作实践,就学生担任篮球裁判时产生怯场的原因,以及克服怯场心理的具体方法,谈点自己的认识。

    Through careful research , combining their working experience of teaching students to act as basketball referees , the authors present their own understanding of the reasons that cause student referees to have stage fright , and offer the concrete method to overcome the stage fright .

  29. 论现代篮球运动裁判能力的培养

    On Training the Refereeing Ability for Basketball Match

  30. 审稿工作与学报质量论现代篮球运动裁判能力的培养

    Refereeing and the Quality of Academic Journals On Training the Refereeing Ability for Basketball Match