
  • 网络Scoring table
  1. 记录台话务员(电路)电台传送的书面记录。

    A written record of the transmissions by a radio station .

  2. 液压比例控制回路性能参数微机检测系统的研究数据巡回检测记录台

    The Research of the Proportional Hydraulic Control Loop Performance Parameter Computer Detection System

  3. 综合报警、监控和巡回检测系统数据巡回检测记录台

    Comprehensive alarm monitoring and data-logging system

  4. 下载数据记录到一台计算机长期分析及可视化。

    Download the data log to a computer for long-term analysis and visualization .

  5. 录井对提高水平井储集层有效钻遇率的导向作用数据自动记录器工作台动力装置参数记录系统工作台

    The guiding function of mud logging for increasing effective drilling catching rate in reservoirs of horizontal wells

  6. 提出了一种利用单个地震台站三分向数字地震波形记录进行单台地震自动定位的网格搜索法。

    A grid searching method with single station for automatic earthquake location , which utilizes 3-component digital waveform records is proposed .

  7. 铁道部明文规定:对列车运行监控记录文件必须台台转储、列列分析。

    The administration department of railway makes a clearly statement : the monitoring and recording documents must be saved and analyzed for every running of trains .

  8. 这批珍贵记录利用数字化台进行数字化,并由具有专用软件的电子计算机进行误差修正和分析处理。

    These valuable records arc digitized by a digitizer and then a computer using specially-programmed softwares is employed in the error correction and analysis of the records .

  9. 112高速电影经纬仪是一种新型的高速光电跟踪测量设备,可用于快速飞行目标的轨迹测量和姿态记录,单台完成定位,并有实时输出的功能。

    The High Speed Electro-optical Cine-theodolite , Model 112 , is a new kind of high speed electro-optical tracking and measuring equipment , which can be used to measure trajectory and record picture of high speed flying targets .

  10. 利用数字地震记录研究唐山震区台下的P、S波速度结构

    Study on the P and S wave velocity structure under Tangshan region with digital earthquake record

  11. 该系统由PC记录主机和多台微电脑分数输入器组成。

    This system makes up by the host PC and many inputting device of mark of microcomputerses .

  12. 罗德曼的访朝之行和周日的采访将记录在HBO电视台的纪录片中。

    Rodman 's trip and press on Sunday will be filmed as part of an HBO documentary series .

  13. 于训练1h后和1周后分别进行5次测试,记录每次到达避难台所需时间。

    The mice were tested for 5 times respectively at 1 hour and 1 day after training , the needed time for the mice to reach the refuge platform every time was recorded .

  14. 飞行参数记录系统综合试验台的设计

    Design of a Comprehensive Test-bed for Flight Parameter Recording System

  15. 条码系统会记录使用过某台仪器的所有人的信息。

    A bar-code system records information on every person who handles an instrument .

  16. 210米北京混凝土泵送新记录&北京电视台新址综合业务大楼停机坪混凝土浇筑报道

    210 Meters-New Record of Concrete Pumping in Beijing

  17. 能实时的记录装置的故障台号、故障状态和数据信息。

    Real-time recording device can malfunction station ID , fault status and data information .

  18. 首先,无法方便地记录要在每台计算机上安装的模块。

    First , you have no way of conveniently recording which modules you want to install on each computer .

  19. 结果记录5个电视台1820条晚间新闻,其中健康相关信息有117条。

    Results There were total 1820 pieces of evening news recorded in the 20 days from 5 TV stations . The health-related information accounted for 117 pieces .