
  • 网络cosmological redshift
  1. 他们发现了GR7星系——宇宙红移7号(CosmosRedshift7)的缩写,得名于追溯宇宙中遥远物体所使用的方法。

    Galaxy CR7 - short for Cosmos Redshift 7 , after the method by which distant objects in the universe are dated - stood out .

  2. 试论宇宙红移

    On Universe Red Shift

  3. 换句话说,超新星离我们比由基于现有宇宙模型的红移程度估计出来的距离还远。

    In other words , the supernovae were farther away than their redshifts indicated they should be , based on the existing model of the universe .

  4. 类星体的空间分布与宇宙早期结构和红移的本质有着密切的联系,本文讨论了类星体分布的均匀性、成团性和与星系的成协性。

    The space distribution of QSOs is closely related with the early structure of the universe and the nature of the redshift . The homogeneity and the clustering of the quasar distribution and the quasar-galaxy associations are discussed .