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hé dìng běn
  • bound volume;one-volume edition
合订本 [hé dìng běn]
  • [bound volume;one-volume edition] 杂志、报纸、小册子等多期合订成一册

合订本[hé dìng běn]
  1. 他买了一本该杂志的合订本。

    He bought a bound volume of the magazine .

  2. 合订本:把许多已经印制成书的出版物如杂志等再合订在一起。

    Bound volume : The binding together of many copies of printed publications such as magazines into one single copy .

  3. 期刊合订本著录与装订工作疑难问题分析与对策

    On the Analysis and Countermeasures of Cataloging and Binding of Bound Volume Journals

  4. 我们有这本杂志的合订本。

    We have bound volumes of the magazine .

  5. 过期报刊杂志合订本报刊杂志刊登了许多名家的文章。

    The newspapers and magazines carry a lot of articles written by famous experts .

  6. 他迅速翻阅了旧报纸的合订本。

    He leafed through the old news-paper files .

  7. 没有出版俱乐部专属漫画合订本的计划。

    No more TPBs of the club comics .

  8. 合订本杂志在哪?

    Where are the bounded journals ?

  9. 用于加固书本封皮或合订本书脊的浆硬加厚织布。

    Starched reinforced fabric used to strengthen a book binding or the spine of a bound book .

  10. 本片的改编版本,原意似是采用较严肃的改编方法,但最终给人的感觉却像「合订本书籍」。

    This version of Nicholas Nickleby seems intended as a more serious adaptation but comes across more like the condensed book .

  11. 沃伦巴菲特和我在短暂会面后,他借了我这本集合了《纽约客》20世纪50年代到60年代财经文章的合订本。

    Shortly after we met , Warren Buffett loaned me this collection of New Yorker business articles from the 1950s and 1960s . I loved them as much as he did .

  12. 芬兰图书馆这本失而复得的书是当时很活跃的一本宗教月刊《瓦提加》1902年卷的合订本。

    The library had long since lost track of the loan but welcomed back to its collections the bound copy of a1902 volume of Vartija , an active religious monthly periodical at the time .

  13. 河海大学图书馆由3个校区图书馆组成,总面积约47000平方米,馆藏量达190多万册,其中中、外文图书180多万册,中、外文期刊合订本12.7万册。

    Hohai Library consists of 3 libraries in three campuses respectively with a total area of over 47 000 square meters and has more than 1 . 9 million books , over 1.8 million of them are in Chinese and foreign languages . There are 127 000 Chinese and English periodicals .

  14. 建立了各因素间可以科学地选择适当的合订方法,以消除期刊合订本装订线附近区域复印印迹畸变现象的数学关系。

    The formula can be used to choose scientifically an appropriate binding method to eliminate the duplicating distortion close by the binding line of volume bindings .

  15. 在分析和比较各种常用的永久性期刊合订方法的基础上,探讨了影响期刊合订本复印效果的各种因素;

    On the basis of analysing and comparing the periodical binding methods in common use , the paper discusses the factors which influence the duplicating effects of volume bindings and establishes a mathematical formula among them .