
jí xiōng
  • good or ill luck;ill luck
吉凶 [jí xiōng]
  • (1) [good or ill luck]∶指未来的好运气和坏运气

  • 吉凶未卜

  • (2) [ill luck]∶凶险

  • 但有吉凶,递相救应

吉凶[jí xiōng]
  1. 人生充满着种种吉凶。

    Man 's life is full of the various good or ill luck .

  2. 《易经》曾一度作为占卜预知吉凶福祸之书,是中华文化对人生问题探讨重要之一环。

    Once being regarded as aed to foretell good or ill luck , I-ching is one of the important links in traditional Chinese culture to discuss human life .

  3. 癞哈蟆对这种异常严肃而又吉凶莫测的欢迎方式感到忐忑不安。

    Toad was quite alarmed at this very serious and portentous style of greeting .

  4. 此行吉凶难断。

    It is difficult to foretell whether this trip will be a success or not .

  5. 毕竟不知此去吉凶如何,且听下回分解。(《西游记》)

    We do not know whether good or ill will befall him after he leaves , and you must listen to the explanation in the next chapter .

  6. 从表面上看《周易》的确是一部占卜吉凶的书。

    Superficially , the Book of Changes is indeed about divination .

  7. 解(某人吉凶的)纸牌含义

    Read ( sb 's fortune in ) the cards

  8. 即如此,为什么我看不到她的吉凶?

    Neo : Then why can 't I see what happens to her ?

  9. 正是两者同源,所以有很多吉凶一致的情况。

    So there are a lot of consistency .

  10. 这麽一决定,我们的生命就吉凶难卜了。

    This decision puts our lives at stake .

  11. 在不准知道事情的吉凶的时候,人总先往好里想。

    When the significance of anything is uncertain , people always hope for the best .

  12. 尽管做了巨大的努力,那个小男孩仍是无影无踪,不知吉凶。

    Despite the great search efforts ever made , the little boy is still missing without trace .

  13. 在奥马哈和犹他海滩发生了激烈的战斗。数小时内,整个远征的命运吉凶难卜。

    Bitter fighting occurred at Omaha and Utah beaches , and for some hours the fate of the entire expedition hung in balance .

  14. 这次签字以后,德国人民和德国武装部队的祸福吉凶,都要由胜利者来掌握了

    With this signature the German people and the German Armed Forces are , for better or worse , delivered into the hands of the victors

  15. 汉代是一个鬼神横行的社会,鬼神是将死者葬地吉凶与生者命运祸福连接的媒介。

    The Han Dynasty is a ghost with society , the ghost is the burial place of auspicious and living fate connecting to the media .

  16. 《左传》中根据梦象、占梦经验和其它知识,利用直解、转释、反说等方法预言人事未来吉凶的梦占预言多所应验。

    Consulting Zuo Zhuan , the dream prophecies according to the images , experiences or the relevant knowledge were mostly verified in the later record .

  17. 风水术将人们未来生活的吉凶与生前死后的时空活动紧密相连,形成了独特的民间信仰。

    Feng Shui for people living in the future will be good and postmortem to antemortem spatiotemporal activity are closely linked , forming a unique folk belief .

  18. 作为秉持天地灵气的人,其先天的个性和后天的诗作风格,共同影响了诗谶的吉凶走向。

    Uphold the world of Reiki , its innate personality and acquired the poetry of style , the combined effect of the poem prophecy of good and bad direction .

  19. 她们还站在阴影下或街巷拐角处,偷听过往行人的谈话,并用听到的第一句话来卜算自己明年的吉凶。

    They also stand in the shadow or the street corner conversations overheard passers-by and use to hear the first sentence Bosuan their next year 's good or bad fortune .

  20. 就像你相信了命运掌握在自己手里之后,却跑到别人手里看你的“吉凶”纹理&你自己掌握的命运在哪里?

    As you believe in destiny in their own hands after they went to someone else to see your " good or bad fortune ," Texture-control your own destiny lie ?

  21. 在古代,每当举行重大活动之前,巫师都要烧龟甲,然后根据龟甲上爆裂的纹路来占卜吉凶。

    In ancient times , before important activities were held , a wizard would roast a tortoise shell and then practice divination according to the way the lines split on it .

  22. 基于传统的经验和实践,一位匿名作者写了一本释梦和预测吉凶的书,它就叫作《周公解梦》。

    Based on the experiences and practices , an anonymous author wrote a book for interpreting dreams and predicting the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness , which was named Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams .

  23. 上古人类由于科学文化不发达,认为梦是吉凶的预示,及鬼神旨意的传达。

    The ancient human beings , due to the underdevelopment of science , hold that dreams indicate the good or ill luck . In other words , they convey the ghosts and gods ' messages .

  24. 从民俗信仰的层面来看,鱼作为吉庆文化的象征,不仅在唐代祭祀中起着重要的作用而且有预示吉凶的征兆功能。

    From the view of folk custom and belief , symbolizing as the Ji Qing culture , fishes not only play important role in sacrifice activities but can foreboding the good or bad luck in Tang Dynasty .