
  • 网络Jeep Grand Cherokee
  1. 对于国际市场,新的2011吉普大切诺基车型将可在左,右座驾驶。

    For international market , the new2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee model will be available in left and right-hand drive .

  2. 归功于强大的营销运作和新车型的成功投放,克莱斯勒200、克莱斯勒300和吉普大切诺基(JeepGrandCherokee)等车型的销量都出现了飙升。

    Sales of the Chrysler 200 , Chrysler 300 and Jeep Grand Cherokee are soaring , on the strength of powerful marketing campaigns and successful new launches .

  3. 召回车型涉及2005至2010款吉普大切诺基以及2006至2010款吉普指挥官。

    The recall affects Grand Cherokee models from 2005 to 2010 and Commanders built from 2006 to 2010 .

  4. 货运量,例如,是竞争与任何类,超过该分频器上面提到的,以及在吉普大切诺基和日产尼桑穆拉诺。

    Cargo volume , for example , is competitive with anything in the class , exceeding that of the crossovers mentioned above , as well as that of the Jeep Grand Cherokee and Nissan Murano .

  5. 这并没有涉及所有的吉普和所有的大切诺基。

    It 's not about all jeeps , it 's not about all Grand Cherokees .