
  • 网络McLaren;vodafone mclaren mercedes;Bruce McLaren
  1. 现在,因为迈凯伦,我了解F1;

    Today , Because of Mclaren , I understand F1 ;

  2. 迈凯伦技术的东家控制着迈凯伦汽车(McLarenAutomotive)80%股份。

    The owners of McLaren Technology control 80 per cent of McLaren Automotive .

  3. 迈凯伦以前让中国车手马青骅担任了练习车手,虽然马青骅从未达到过F1等级。

    McLaren used to have Chinese driver Ma Qinghua as a test driver , even though Ma never cracked the F1 ranks .

  4. 此后,我们保存了迈凯伦和FIA通知的所有相关证物。

    Since then we have constantly and regularly kept McLaren and the FIA informed on all relevant findings .

  5. 苹果(Apple)已接洽英国超级跑车工程企业、一级方程式(FormulaOne)车队东家迈凯伦技术集团(McLarenTechnologyGroup),商谈潜在收购事宜,这是迄今表明这家iPhone制造商正寻求改变汽车业的最明确迹象。

    Apple has approached McLaren Technology Group , the British supercar engineer and Formula One team owner , about a potential acquisition , in the clearest sign yet that the iPhone maker is seeking to transform the automotive industry .

  6. 迈凯伦生产售价高达100万美元的豪华跑车,并拥有一家先进技术集团以及同名的F1车队。

    McLaren produces luxury sports cars that can cost as much as $ 1m apiece and owns an advanced technologies group as well as the eponymous Formula One racing team .

  7. 迈凯伦的首席执行官扎克·布朗承认,上海周末的情况不适合举办大奖赛,但又说一个周末的坏天气不会削弱中国的一级方程式赛车(F1)市场。

    McLaren 's CEO Zak Brown admits conditions in Shanghai this weekend were not ideal for Grand Prix racing , but says one weekend of bad weather isn 't going to diminish the Chinese F1 market .

  8. 苹果和迈凯伦均拒绝置评。

    Apple and McLaren declined to comment .

  9. 我从迈凯伦那里听到了一些细节,比你们能想到的更糟!

    I know details from McLaren , just listening , which is worse than you 'd ever think .

  10. 根据迈凯伦技术已公布的最新财报,其2014年营收为2.65亿英镑,税前亏损2260万英镑。

    McLaren Technology reported revenues of £ 265m and pre-tax losses of £ 22.6m in 2014 , its last published accounts .

  11. 那为什么法拉利最近起诉了技术经理,斯蒂芬尼,迈凯伦又中止了,麦克·考夫兰的职务?

    So what about Ferrari 's recently sacked technical manager , Nigel Stepney , and McLaren 's recently suspended chief designer , Mike Coughlan ?

  12. 英国超级跑车制造商迈凯伦公司表示,为应对疫情造成的影响,该公司将根据一项拟议的重组计划裁员1000余人。

    British supercar maker McLaren says it will cut more than 1-thousand jobs under a proposed restructuring plan as it the impact of the pandemic .

  13. 迈凯伦的技术专长包括汽车工程、车载计算机系统以及新颖底盘材料(如碳素纤维和铝合金)。与迈凯伦结盟可能有助于推进苹果神秘的汽车项目。

    A tie-up with McLaren , whose expertise ranges from automotive engineering and on-board computer systems to novel chassis materials such as carbon fibre and aluminium , could push forward Apple 's secretive automotive project .

  14. 听取了情况介绍的三名人士称,谈判是在几个月之前开始的。苹果致力于开发一款自动驾驶电动汽车已有两年多,这家加州科技集团考虑全面收购迈凯伦,或对其进行战略投资。

    The California technology group , which has been working on a self-driving electric vehicle for more than two years , was considering a full takeover of McLaren or a strategic investment , according to three people briefed on the negotiations who said talks started several months ago .