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  1. 利用ACIS几何造型技术建立三厢车的车身模板,通过模板技术构建用于支持参数化车身结构概念设计阶段的几何模型、有限元模型、后处理模型。

    Create the template of car body by ACIS geometry sculpt technique , build the geometry model and finite element model and post-processing are used for the parameterized automotive body in the concept design phase based on the template technique .

  2. 也许,驾乘的质量,不是漂亮,对三厢车来说,带有重要的运动能力是吸引人的。

    Also , the ride quality , while not exactly plush , was impressive for a sedan with serious sporting ability .

  3. 他说,笨重的三厢车受欢迎程度仍然占据压倒性优势,这在文化上与中国富人坐轿子的传统非常契合。

    He says the bulky , three-box shape that is still overwhelmingly popular is deeply embedded culturally in a country where the rich traditionally rode in palanquins .