
  • 网络FORT MYERS;Ft. Myers
  1. 从迈尔斯堡到全美国,人们都需要帮助。

    Folks here in Fort Myers and across America-they need help ;

  2. 我在达州迈尔斯堡的生活真是太享受了。

    I 'm really enjoying my time here in Fort Myers , Florida .

  3. 这名迈尔斯堡的居民刚刚来到这里两个月,这时骗子们就试图诱骗他陷入短信诈骗的圈套。

    The Fort Myers resident had only been here two months when scammers tried to get him to fall for a text messaging scam .

  4. 然后,他又将回到宣传造势的行程,计划于周二在佛罗里达州的迈尔斯堡和周四在伊利诺斯州的佩里亚召开市政会议。

    Then he goes back on the road with town meetings scheduled on Tuesday in Fort Myers , Florida and Thursday in Peoria , Illinois .

  5. 佛罗里达州的迈尔斯堡是美国全国住房失赎率最高的城市。在这里,奥巴马总统不但向民众发表了讲话,还当场回答了人们提出的问题。

    This time , he spoke and took questions from a crowd in Fort Myers , Florida-a city with the nation 's highest rate of home loan foreclosures .