
  • 网络Hoover;herbert hoover;J. Edgar;J. Edgar Hoover
  1. 胡佛作为罪犯克星的名头越来越响。

    Hoover was building his reputation as a crime-buster .

  2. 1928年,赫伯特·胡佛设想了一个"家家锅里都有鸡,家家车库都有车"的美国。

    In 1928 Herbert Hoover imagined an America with " a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage . "

  3. 一个叫胡佛的人为这所大学做了很多事。

    A man named Hoover had done a lot for the university .

  4. 斯坦福最高的建筑是胡佛大厦,它是这所大学的地标性建筑。

    The tallest building in Stanford is Hoover Tower , which is the landmark of the university .

  5. 胡佛认为,ProductHunt的真正价值在于他所吸引来的高质量用户社区。

    Hoover believes its real value is in the high-quality community he 's attracted .

  6. 利用GIS的网络通达性分析功能,根据胡佛模型,采用实际交通距离替代直线距离的方法,计算贵州省九个地级市的腹地范围。

    The hinterland of the nine cities in Guizhou province is studied by using GIS and Huff Model .

  7. 至于具体的商业模式,胡佛的设想是,ProductHunt会通过相当直接的广告模式来实现货币化。

    As for the business model , Hoover imagines Product Hunt will monetize with a fairly straightforward advertising model .

  8. 在美国总统史中,不拿工资的总统只有两位:赫伯特•克拉克•胡佛和约翰•F•肯尼迪。

    There are two presidents in American History who did not earn their salary ; Herbert Clark Hoover and John F Kennedy .

  9. 胡佛表示,他希望ProductHunt到最后能够实现站内推荐产品的交易环节,让人们能在站内直接购买他们在这里找到的数码产品。

    Eventually , Hoover says he 'd like to see Product Hunt own the transaction part of its recommendations , allowing people to directly buy the digital products they find on the site .

  10. 帝国大厦落成之时,是美国总统赫伯特胡佛(herberthoover)为其点亮灯光。

    It was US President Herbert Hoover who turned on the lights once the Empire State building was done .

  11. 到2015年,平均每天需要80万千瓦的电力才能保证拉斯韦加斯市的能源供应,这远远超出了胡佛水坝(HooverDam)的供电能力。

    To keep Las Vegas powered will require a daily average of 8,000 megawatts of electricity by 2015 , way beyond the output of the Hoover Dam .

  12. 这些非同寻常的陈述被呈报给时任FBI局长埃德加胡佛,这份备忘录名为飞盘。

    Their extraordinary accounts were sent to Edgar Hoover , the director of the FBI , in a memo titled " Flying Discs " .

  13. 赫伯特•胡佛(HerbertHoover)曾把钓鱼称为一项“公平的运动&因为在鱼类面前,人人平等”。

    HERBERT HOOVER once described fishing as a " discipline in equality & for all men are equal before fish " .

  14. 永远保持积极态度的胡佛表示,大家提到的业务问题是“一条有意义的批评”。他承认,ProductHunt只是为科技界和初创界的小规模社区提供服务,这听起来确实不像一个价值百万美元的创意。

    Ever positive , Hoover says the business question is " a valid piece of criticism . " He acknowledges that a business catering to the small tech and startup community doesn 't seem like a billion-dollar idea .

  15. (胡佛同年在连任选举中被击败。)这次会议如今在历史书上占用的脚注主要与富兰克林罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)的莽撞有关。

    ( Hoover was voted out in the meantime . ) The footnotes the conference now occupies in the history book relate mainly to Franklin Roosevelt 's petulance .

  16. 为赫伯特胡佛(herberthoover)的幽灵所困扰的凯恩斯主义者警告,美国仍随时有可能陷入另一场萧条。

    The Keynesians , haunted by the spectre of Herbert Hoover , warn that the US is still teetering on the brink of another depression .

  17. 美国前总统赫伯特•胡佛(HerbertHoover)支持这项立法;罗斯福总统私下表示赞成,但最终因不愿让自身声望受损而拒绝支持它。

    Former President Herbert Hoover backed it ; President Roosevelt privately indicated that he favored it but in the end refused to risk his prestige by supporting it .

  18. 斯坦福大学胡佛学院的教育专家EricHanushek表示,比起课堂规模、学生的家庭背景和校方的资金水平来说,唯独教学质量在小学教育中最容易改善。

    Good teaching is the single biggest variable in educating pupils , bigger than class size , family background or school funding , says Eric Hanushek , an education expert at Stanford University 's Hoover Institution .

  19. 因此,创科实业开始收购一些世界知名电动工具和地板护理企业,例如密尔沃基工具(MilwaukeeTools)、利优比(Ryobi)、康力(Homelite)和胡佛(Hoover)。它曾经是这些品牌的供货商。

    So TTI began acquiring some of the world-famous power-tool and floor-care clients it used to supply , such as Milwaukee Tools , Ryobi , Homelite and Hoover .

  20. 通过与伯明翰向南约55英里处的亚拉巴马应急行动中心协同工作,FEMA在4月29日就已将应急反应小组派遣至胡佛和塔斯卡卢萨县。

    The agency had emergency response teams in place in Hoover and Tuscaloosa by April 29th , working in co-ordination with Alabama 's emergency operations centre around 55 miles south of Birmingham .

  21. 我猜胡佛村是贫民区。

    Hooverville being sort of , I guess , the slums .

  22. 胡佛一直在说繁荣就在眼前。

    Hoover was saying that prosperity was just around the corner .

  23. 联邦政府一声令下,开始修建胡佛水坝

    The government gives the go-ahead to build the Hoover Dam .

  24. 胡佛曾把前任司法部长拉姆齐·克拉克叫做软骨头。

    Hoover had called former Attorney General Ramsey Clark a jelly-fish .

  25. 但对于胡佛水坝来说这只能算是开了个头

    But that 's just the beginning of the Hoover Dam .

  26. 奇怪得很,霍利斯和胡佛居然相处得很好。

    Oddly enough , Hollis and Hoover got on rather well .

  27. 听着,如果你要来胡佛大楼的话。

    Listen , if you 're coming to the Hoover building .

  28. 您一定没听说过哈赛尔胡佛家庭歌手吧?

    Then you 've not heard of the Hasselhoff family singers ?

  29. 1929年,赫伯特胡佛总统组建了联邦农业委员会。

    In1929 , President Herbert Hoover organized the federal farm board .

  30. 伯吉斯和麦克莱恩事件更加深了胡佛的偏见。

    The Burgess and Maclean affair reinforced Hoover 's prejudices .