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  1. 我想,这一切都取决于《孔子》导演胡玫对那段历史的深刻了解。

    I suppose it all depends on the historical accuracy of director Hu Mei ` s Confucius .

  2. 胡玫是一位经验丰富的导演,因执导过一系列以历史题材的电影而为人所知。她表示,自己多年来一直在梦想着制作这一三部曲。

    Hu , a veteran director known for a number of historical-themed movies , said she dreamed of producing the trilogy for years .

  3. 筹划拍摄电影《红楼梦》三部曲的导演胡玫,目前已经启动了演员的全球海选计划。

    Director Hu Mei , who has planned the trilogy , The Story of the Stone , has kicked off a global campaign to select his cast members .