
  1. 胡应麟图书分类方法刍议

    On the Method of Hu Ying Lin 's Classification of Books

  2. 胡应麟:中国古代图书事业史研究的奠基人

    Hu Yinglin : Founder of Research on History of Chinese Ancient Books

  3. 浙江自由宽松的学术氛围为胡应麟藏书、治学提供了便利。

    The freedom academic environment of Zhe Jiang provides convenience for Hu Yinglin ' study .

  4. 胡应麟研究综述

    The Synthesis of Study on HU Ying-lin

  5. 明代抄袭之风与胡应麟对治学规范的讲求

    On the Plagiarism Style in the Ming Dynasty and Hu Ying Lin 's Stress on the Standard of Study

  6. 因为:1。胡应麟和王世贞的交往实以王世贞对胡氏才学的赏识为前提;

    The reasons are : 1 / The contact between Hu and Wang Shizhen was coming from the appreciation of Wang for Hu ;

  7. 胡应麟小说史研究深刻影响了鲁迅的《中国小说史略》,在中国小说研究史上应该有其相应的位置。

    Hu Yinglin 's research deeply influenced Lu Xun 's A Brief Chinese Fiction History , and deserves a position in Chinese fiction researching history .

  8. 明代中后期,文献学家胡应麟所著的《四部正讹》是我国第一部辨伪专书,在中国辨伪学史上起到承前启后的作用。

    In the late Ming Dynasty , the philologist & Yinglin Hu wrote Si Bu Zheng E which was the first monograph on distinguishing false .