
  1. 秦牧和丰子恺的同题散文《秋》的写作方法差异很大。

    The writing method of Qin Mu 's and Feng Zikai 's proses with the same title Autumnis quite different .

  2. 宏博精微的杰作与优美隽永的精品&秦牧、杨朔散文特色比较

    Excellent Pieces of Prose with Rich and Exquisite Features & A Comparison of the Features of Prose by Qin Mu and by Yang Shuo

  3. 一批优秀的作家比如杨朔、秦牧、刘白羽等人,就此迎来了他们散文创作的黄金时代。

    A batch of excellent writers , such as Yang Shuo , Qin Mu , Liu Baiyu and others , met their golden age for prose writing .

  4. 刘白羽以激情、秦牧以知性,丰富着散文意境,杨朔尤其将40年代以来的载道类散文意境,发展到了极致。

    Liu Baiyu is enriching prose artistic conception with intense emotion , Qin Mu with the intellectuality , while Yang Shuo particularly developed artistic conception that was full of rules to an extreme .