
  1. 果然,部队经过九次激烈的战斗,终于打垮了秦军。

    After nine fierce battles , the Qin army was finally defeated .

  2. 赵括死于秦军弓箭手的箭下。

    He was shot down by Qin archers .

  3. 秦军法述论

    On the Martial Law of the Qin Dynasty

  4. 很自然地,起义军被秦军打得土崩瓦解,最终都被秦军杀害。

    Naturally , they were soundly defeated and eventually murdered by their own forces .

  5. 这是秦军的一个强大动力,也吓倒了他们的敌人。

    It was a great motivator for the Qin army , but it terrified their enemies .

  6. 秦军主将白起,领兵乘胜追击,包围了赵国都城邯郸。

    Qin 's troops laid siege to Handan , the capital of the State of Zhao .

  7. 结果,赵军被秦军包围,直至弹尽粮绝。

    As a result , they were surrounded by the army of Qin till the supplies were exhausted .

  8. 由于缺乏训练,没有作战经验,加之寡不敌众,义军被秦军击溃。

    Being lack of military training and war experience , the branch was defeated by the overwhelming Qin army .

  9. 赵括担任指挥后,命令军队向秦军营地发起进攻。

    When Zhao Kuo assumed command , he ordered the army to launch an invasion of the Qin camp .

  10. 而且通过这些陶俑群,也体现了秦军装备精良,纪律严明,斗志昂扬的军纪军貌。

    The group also sheds light on the exceptional discipline and order of the Qin army and its military equipment .

  11. 于是,秦军派奸细四处散布谣言,说秦军除了赵括以外谁都不怕。

    Therefore , the spies of Qin spread rumors that the troops of Qin were afraid of nobody but Zhao Kuo .

  12. 项羽劝他迅速进兵,同赵军里应外合,一举击败秦军。

    Xiang Yu persuaded him to move , collaborating with the Zhao army to conquer the Qin forces at one stroke .

  13. 他先切断秦军运粮的甬道,分割王、章两军的联系。

    At first , he shut off the supply lines of Qin forces , and cut off the connection between Wang Li and Zhang Han .

  14. 秦军最终打败了其他六国,使秦朝成为中国历史上第一个统一的中央集权国家。

    The Qin warriors eventually defeated six other states in war , making the Qin dynasty the first unified , centralized state in Chinese history .

  15. 两军相持四个多月,秦军仍拿不下长平。秦王采纳了范睢的建议,用离间法让赵王怀疑廉颇,赵王中计,调回廉颇,派赵括为将到长平与秦军作战。

    This made Zhao Kuo very haughty so much so he sent a letter to the Qin army and proposed a final battle where winner takes all .

  16. 后人怀念项羽,都称颂他决战的勇气和打败秦军主力的赫赫战功。

    Posterity has always cherished the memory of Xiang Yu for his indomitable courage , invincible resolution and great military feats in fighting against the superior Qin army .

  17. 秦军一直在等着赵军发动进攻,最终赵国军队攀上了秦国军队包围了40天的山峰。

    The Qin were already lying in wait for them and the Zhao forces were eventually driven up a hill , which the Qin then besieged for 40 days .

  18. 一些猎首的最早记录来自中国春秋(公元前770至公元前475年)和战国时期(公元前475至221年)的秦军。

    Some of the oldest reports of head-hunting are from the Qin army in China during the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770-476 BC ) and the Warring States Period ( 475-221 BC ) .

  19. 公元前278年,楚国都城郢(今湖北江陵县)被秦军攻破,屈原感到救国无望,投汨罗江而死。

    In 278 BC , the capital of Chu Ying ( now Hubei Jiangling County ) was defeated Qin , Qu Yuan was no hope to save the country , the Miluo River to die .

  20. 谢石等又率大军沿淮水前进,到淝水(安徽寿县淝河南)东岸与秦军隔河对峙。

    Meanwhile the main force of Xie Shi proceeded along the Huai River , reached at the east bank of Feishui ( now Feihe south of Shouxian county , Aihui ) , facing Qin army .

  21. 在前贤研究的基础上,用文献资料和考古资料相结合的方法,探讨了秦军法的起源、内容、特点和意义。

    On the basis of research done by predecessors , the origin , contents , characteristics and significance of the martial law of the Qin Dynasty are discussed in a way of bibliography materials combined with archaeological materials .

  22. 起义领袖是项羽,是一位军阀。项羽打败了秦军后试图恢复先秦封建体制。项羽恢复了很多旧贵族的身份并且将土地分封给各位将军。

    The rebels were under the nominal leadership of Hsiang Y ü, a warlord who defeated the Qin armies and then tried to restore the pre-Qin feudal system , reinstating many of the former nobles and dividing the land among his generals .

  23. 公元前627年,秦又袭郑,在回军至肴(今河南洛宁西北)时,遭晋军截击,秦军的三个将军被俘,全军覆没。史称“肴之战”。

    In 627 B.C. , Duke Mu launched a surprise attack on Zheng , but was intercepted at Xiao ( in the northwest of modern Luoning in Henan ) by Jin ; all his three generals were captured , and the whole army was annihilated .

  24. 后亲自率楚军渡河,并下令全军破釜沉舟,规定每人只带三日口粮,以显示与秦军决一死战尚决心。

    Then , he led his troops cross the river , having all the boats and cooking vessels destroyed and ordered his soldiers to carry enough grain rations for only three days to make it clear that no one could return unless they won . He directed his forces to launch successive attacks on Qin .