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  1. 是不久前外交部部长助理胡正跃访朝的活动吗?

    Are you talking about Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue 's visit to the DPRK lately ?

  2. 中国外交部部长助理胡正跃、东盟十国高官及东盟副秘书长出席会议。

    Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue , senior officials of the ASEAN countries as well as ASEAN 's Deputy Secretary-General attended the meeting .

  3. 中国公共外交协会副会长胡正跃表示,丝路学院将是全球人才的故乡,以加深友谊和联系。

    Hu Zhengyue , vice president of China Public Diplomacy Association , says the Silk Road School will be home to global talents , to deepen friendships and connections .

  4. 胡正跃还提到希拉里与前原诚司上周四在夏威夷举行的会晤,美国国务卿在会晤期间重申了美方的立场,即按照美日签署的条约,美方有义务协助日本防卫上述有争议的岛屿。

    Mr Hu also referred to a meeting between Mrs Clinton and Mr Maehara in Hawaii on Thursday , in which the Secretary of state restated the US position that it was bound by treaties with Japan to help defend the disputed uninhabited islands at the heart of Sino-Japanese tensions .