
  1. 胡伟(音译)是北京奇遇花园咖啡馆公共沙龙的组织者。

    Hu Wei is the organizer of the public salon at Story Garden Caf é in Beijing .

  2. 同学胡伟(音译)表示,老师称赞刘啸宇是名努力且独立的学生。

    Hu Wei , Liu ` s classmate , said that Liu ` s teacher praised him as a hardworking and independent student .

  3. 对于创建公共沙龙的灵感来源,胡伟解释道:同不少职场新人一样,在我刚参加工作的头三年,我感觉自己缺乏知识和技能,渴望接受更多的培训。

    Hu explained the inspiration for the public salon : Like many workplace newbies , during the first three years of my career , I felt I lacked knowledge and skills and wanted further training .

  4. 随函附寄下列两位先生的介绍信:虹口中学校长胡伟先生,河南大学外语学院邵应杰教授。

    Enclosed you will find testimonials from Principal Mr. Hu wei , of Hongkou High School . I am also permitted to refer to professor Shao yingjie of the College of Foreign Language of Henan University .

  5. 从多元文化的视角出发去欣赏今天的艺术时,我们看到更多的是具有时代气息的作品,我们在欣赏胡伟作品的同时,除了赞叹他选材的精良,更加惊异于他处理画面的多元化艺术手段。

    From a multicultural perspective to appreciate the art of today , we see more of is with modern breath work , while we appreciate and Hu Wei works , in addition to the breath-taking his talent selection of excellent , more amazing than his picture of diversified artistic means .