
  1. 中国外交部部长助理吴海龙对记者表示,观点分歧不会影响金砖五国的全面合作。

    Assistant Chinese Foreign Minister Wu Hailong told reporters that different points of view will not hamper overall BRICS cooperation .

  2. 吴海龙部长助理将出席部长级会议开幕式,并在一般性辩论和部长级圆桌会上发言。

    Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Hailong will attend the opening of the ministerial meeting and speak at the general debates and the round table .

  3. 中国驻欧盟新任大使吴海龙今年3月向记者表示:在(全球)最富裕的国家当中,有许多位于欧洲,因此最终而言,我认为欧洲拥有合理解决债务危机的资源。

    As Wu Hailong , the new Chinese ambassador to Brussels , told reporters in March : Many of the richest countries [ in the world ] are in Europe . So in the end , I think Europe has the resources to properly resolve the debt crisis .