
  1. 吴贻弓执导电影的中和之美

    The Moderate Beauty of Wu Yigong 's Movie Directions

  2. 本文的研究对象是吴贻弓导演的电影艺术。

    The research object of this thesis is the movie art of Director Wu Yigong .

  3. 双层散文诗体式结构&吴贻弓导演艺术研究

    Structure of the Prosaic Poetry & A Study of the Directing Techniques of Wu Yi-Gong

  4. 吴贻弓的影片题材不同,力求展现不同阶层人群的生存状态,他把自己对电影、对人生的理解通过影片表达了出来。

    Wu Yigong tries to exhibit the living conditions of different levels of people in different themes . His understanding of movies and life can also be seen in his movies .