
tóng yì cí
  • synonym
同义词 [tóng yì cí]
  • [synonym] 词义完全相同或相近的词

同义词[tóng yì cí]
  1. “工业民主”这个词常被用作“工人参与”的同义词。

    The term ' industrial democracy ' is often used as a synonym for worker participation .

  2. 工业民主”这个词常被用作“工人参与”的同义词。

    The term ' industrial democracy ' is often used as a synonym for worker participation . “

  3. 我听说他很爱指使人的。同义词“pusharound”;

    B : I heard that he love to boss people around .

  4. 人们常常将SOA与Web服务混为一谈,但是这两者不是同义词。

    SOAs are often confused with Web services , but the two are not synonymous .

  5. 为了方便本文的讲解,一个IntegrationDeveloper应用程序就是一个ProcessServer应用程序的同义词。

    For the purposes of this article , an Integration Developer application is synonymous with a Process Server application .

  6. 这对他的身体不好。同义词:注释:beharmfulto对……有害

    B : It is harmful to his health .

  7. 语义同义词采用XML片段查询表达式的形式,可以与一般的同义词一起使用。

    The semantic synonyms take the form of XML fragment query expressions and can be used together with ordinary synonyms .

  8. 解决办法;处理手段同义词:answer试图找到解决办法的种种努力全都失败了。

    a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation Attempts to find a solution have failed .

  9. 证据;证明同义词:evidence确切的/确凿的证据你能提供什么身分证明吗?

    information , documents , etc. that show that sth is true positive / conclusive proof Can you provide any proof of identity ?

  10. 这两个术语可以作为同义词使用,并且指的是用户正在运行的实际UNIXshell。

    The terms can be used synonymously and refer to the actual UNIX shell the user is running .

  11. 源文档是用WordNet同义词集构造的XML。

    The source document is the XML constructed from the WordNet synonym set information .

  12. 对于单词组成列表中的每个单词,使用Dictionary组件开发同义词列表。

    For each word in the constituent words list , use the Dictionary component to develop a list of synonyms .

  13. 说定;准确陈述同义词:specify给个价吧。他们订婚了,但还未确定结婚日期。

    They 're engaged , but they haven 't yet named the day ( = chosen the date for their wedding ) .

  14. 公正的;不偏不倚的;中立的同义词:neutral,unbiased公正的调查/观察者提出不偏不倚的建议作为主席,我必须保持中立。该片讲述了旺斯警长审问玛丽的故事。

    an impartial inquiry / observer to give impartial advice As chairman , I must remain impartial .

  15. 最后Dictionary组件提供一个给定单词的所有同义词(有相同或相近含义的单词)。

    Lastly , Dictionary component provides all the synonyms ( words with same or similar meaning ) of a given word .

  16. .约翰常说孝顺父母是人情世故。他真是个伪君子!同义词:注释:filialpiety孝顺;孝心

    A : John always says filial piety is B : What a sham gentleman be is !

  17. 深圳是经济改革的同义词,香港中文大学(ChineseUniversityofHongKong)历史系教授林和立(WillyLam)表示。

    Shenzhen is synonymous with economic reform , said Willy Lam , professor of history at the Chinese University   of   Hong   Kong .

  18. 在XML文档中,需要通过各种相互关系指代人、地点和事件,从一般的关系到更加具体的关系、作用和种类、同义词和反义词。

    In XML documents you need to refer to people , places , and things with inter-relationships ranging from general to more specific , part and kind , and synonym and antonym .

  19. cleave这个动词既有“分开”又有“黏住”的意思,遵照这两个意思,它有两个同义词,adhere和separate,这俩词偏偏彼此间又是反义词。

    The verb " cleave " is the only English word with two synonyms which are antonyms of each other : adhere and separate .

  20. 现在,通过在OmniFind搜索应用程序首选项屏幕上启用“automaticallysearchforsynonymsusingsemanticexpansion”选项,就可以根据语义同义词搜索集合。

    By enabling the option " automatically search for synonyms using semantic expansion " in the OmniFind search application preferences screen , the collection can now be searched on with semantic synonyms .

  21. 从客户机接收到对给定单词的同义词的请求后,使用sql形成一个数据库查询来搜索给定单词的同义词。

    On receiving a request from the client for the synonyms of a given word , formulate a database query using sql to search for the synonyms of a given word .

  22. 在Oracle分布式数据库开发过程中,利用了数据库链路、快照、视图、同义词等分布式数据库技术来实现分布式数据库系统的透明性;

    In the development of Oracle Distributed Database System , make the use of snapshots database link view and synonym distributed database technique to realize the transparency of this system .

  23. 作为对高程度英语学习者(advancedlearners)同义词学习情况的初探,本文会引起那些关注词汇语义学发展的教师们的兴趣。

    This paper reports on a preliminary study on advanced EFL learners ' synonym learning . It might be of special interest to teachers concerned with lexical semantics , and those who wish their students to gain lexical force .

  24. 更常用的同义词是FLOAT类型,它拥有任意的浮点精度,可以在声明数据类型时指定,例如FLOAT(val)。

    A more general synonym is the FLOAT type , which has an arbitrary floating-point precision that you specify when declaring the data type as FLOAT ( val ) .

  25. 例如,writable和writeable是同义词,而readonly是这些的反义词&也就是说,readonly=Yes等同于writable=No。

    For instance , writable and writeable are synonyms , and read only is an antonym for these & that is , read only = Yes is equivalent to writable = No.

  26. 在Carp模块内部,有4个主要函数,carp()是警告消息的同义词,croak()与die()一样,可以结束脚本。

    Within the Carp module , the four main functions are carp (), which is a synonym for a warning message , and croak (), which is like die () and also terminates the script .

  27. (为琐事)争吵,发生口角同义词:bicker我的姐妹正为看哪个电视节目争吵。

    to argue noisily about sth that is not very important My sisters were squabbling over what to watch on TV .

  28. 前清朝贵族头衔,Daifu和施成为同义词法院工作人员。

    The former nobility titles Qing , Daifu and Shi became synonyms for court officials .

  29. 其次,FAQ的检索功能作为设计的重要内容之一,可包括导航设计、同义词检索、检索结果、相关揭示四个方面;

    The function of searching needs to be in associated with navigation guides , support synonym search , organize search results , and emphasis on showing related FAQ in the result page ;

  30. 普适计算是ubicomp的同义词。

    Pervasive computing is a near synonym for ubicomp .