
  • 网络isomorphism;isomorphic;homogeneity;homogeneous
  1. 我国高技术产业同构性与集聚的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Industrial Isomorphism and Agglomeration of High-Tech Industry in China

  2. 关于四元数与实矩阵的同构性

    An isomorphism between quaternion and real matrix

  3. 无线传感器网络(WSN,wirelessSensorNetworks)具有节点数目众多、资源容易受限以及组成的节点同构性的特点。

    Wireless Sensor Networks ( WSN ) has a large number of nodes which are composed with the same structure , and its resources are constricted .

  4. 您需要尽可能地令SOA具有同构性,因此需要以相同的方式为所有请求实现这些功能。

    You want to make your SOA as homogeneous as possible , so you want to implement these capabilities in the same way for all requests .

  5. 此外,理解与科学发现都是按照P1→TT→EE→P2一般图式来进行,理解模式与科学发现模式具有同构性。

    Moreover , both understanding and science findings have developed according to the model : Pi-TT-EE-P2 The model of understanding and the model of science findings have the same structure .

  6. 由于各成员国的经济同构性导致同类产品竞争激烈,以及与其它非洲区域组织成员的重叠等因素使SADC贸易争端解决机制作用日益突显。

    The same economic structure of member states of SADC led to similar products with intense competition , as well as other regional organizations in Africa with overlapping membership of SADC make the role of trade dispute settlement mechanism more prominent .

  7. 区域集群创新系统与自然生态系统具有同构性特征。

    Regional cluster innovation system has similarity in terms of internal structure .

  8. 所采用的语篇制约手段是同构性和衔接。

    The textual means employed herein include the structural identity and cohesion .

  9. 法律文化同构性的一般理论界述

    A General Definition of the Uniformity of Legal Culture

  10. 汉语文字与音乐形式的同构性

    Homoorganicity of Han Characters and Musical Forms

  11. 法人所有权与国家主权在形成过程与结构上具有同构性。

    During the formation , ownership of juridical person has some common quality with state sovereignty .

  12. 论巴金“家庭故事”与“团体故事”的同构性

    On the isomorphism of BA jin 's " family story " and " group story "

  13. 东西装饰绘画中平面化的同构性,通过绘画的形式和表现技巧上的同构外现出来。

    The complanate isomorphism of east-west decorative painting represents out through painting form and expressive skill .

  14. 图同构性的应用

    Application of Isomorphism of Graph

  15. 但是精神世界并不具有和物质世界对等的同构性。

    But the unseen and do not have is on an equal footing with the physical world .

  16. 任务结构与参数结构具有同构性,任务结构对参数结构赋值并实现设计完善;

    Task structure and parameter structure are isomorphic , the former fills in the latter to perfect designs ;

  17. 但家族制企业本身的特点决定了企业集群存在企业主的投机行为、产品的同构性、创新能力不强等方面的问题。

    However , the features of family determine the speculative behavior , the same product , the weak creation .

  18. 文章是从两文本的表层结构和深层结构入手,对其叙事内容的同构性进行分析。

    This article attempts to analyze their similar structure of narration content from their surface structure and deep structure .

  19. 其次,网络结构具有同构性,无法阻止可疑入侵及病毒迅速广泛传播;

    Secondly , isomorphs of network structure can 't prevent the rapid and extensive spread of suspicious intrusion and virus ;

  20. 五四文学的创建主体主要由第二代学生组成,他们接纳的新式教育使其在文化心理结构上具有同质同构性的特点。

    The creating subjects of the May 4 ~ ( th ) literature are mainly composed of the second-generation students .

  21. 混沌边缘的复杂性探析&对不同领域内复杂性产生条件的同构性分析

    Exploring Complexity at the Edge of Chaos & The Isomorphic Analysis to the Emerging Conditions of Complexity in Different Fields

  22. 同时兰州-西宁经济区各城市的产业结构同构性较小,产业地域分工已开始初步显现。

    Meanwhile industrial structure isomorphism in Lanzhou-Xining economic zone is smaller , regional division of labor has begun preliminary revealed .

  23. 城市的教育发展与整个国家或地区的教育发展具有同构性。

    Educational development in urban areas has the " I so morphic nature " with the national or regional development of education .

  24. 花卉和女性的生殖能力具有同构性,因此用桃果实、桃花来比拟女性。

    Flower 's nature is similar with women 's eugenics so that the peach fruitage and peach blossom are always representing women .

  25. 资本逻辑和传统形而上学的思维范式具有同构性。在其统治下,“抽象对人的统治”就成为了一种必然的命运。

    Capital logic thinking and traditional metaphysics with isomorphism rule and the rule of " abstract " become a kind of inevitable fate .

  26. 一方而,大学组织变革必须与环境变迁的方式相适应,这就是所谓的同构性变迁。

    On one hand , university changes must be adapted to the ways of environmental changes , which are the so-called isomorphism changes .

  27. 我一直在找寻艺术家艺术语言、创作方法、和面对世界的方式三者之间的同构性。

    I 've always been looking for the homoorganicity between the artists'artistic language , creation method and their way of facing the world .

  28. 采用置换矩阵,验证了契约关系模型理论构建与现实运作间的关联关系及系统的同构性。

    Applying permutation matrix , the association and the system isomorphism between contractual relationship modeling in theory and its operation in practice were verified .

  29. 英汉双语词典中释义的认知模式与一般言语行为中的转喻现象有着某种程度的同构性。

    The cognitive formula of sense presentation in English-Chinese dictionaries bears resemblance to that of rhetorical device " metonymy " in ordinary speech act .

  30. 蒙古国和中国内蒙古草原畜牧业的起源、发展路径具有很多同源同构性。

    Mongolia and Inner Mongolia in China have a lot of homology isomorphism in the origin of the grassland animal husbandry and the development path .