
huó dònɡ fàn wéi
  • sphere of activity
  1. 我们计划通过开设更多的语言课程扩大我们现有的活动范围。

    We plan to widen the scope of our existing activities by offering more language courses .

  2. 多布森先生许诺拓宽该组织的活动范围。

    Mr Dobson promised to widen the organisation 's scope of activity .

  3. 置换组手术前后邻近节段活动范围比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    In group replacement , ROM before and after operation have no significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 而史密斯的小组则把DNa分子的活动范围限制在固体表面上。

    Smith 's team , on the other hand , tethered the DNA to a solid surface .

  5. 结果:屈光不正眼儿童矫正屈光后皮层视觉功能区神经元活动范围明显增加(p<0.05);

    Results : After ametropia correction , the neure activity in the functional area of visual cortex of children with ametropia increased obviojsly ( p < 0.05 );

  6. SOA治理在IT面来看仍然被视为奇怪的活动范围,而在业务面看它是夹在治理和管理中间的一段模糊地带。

    SOA Governance is still considered as an exotic sphere of activities in Technology while in Business it is a blur plank between governance and management .

  7. 2w后对其日常生活能力(ADL)、关节活动范围(ROM)、肌力进行评估。

    After two weeks , their abilities of daily life , range of motion and muscular strength were evaluated .

  8. 而在肩关节内旋活动范围的改善程度在两个疗程的治疗后,经统计学处理P值0.05,提示两组在改善上这一症状方面无明显差异。

    And in the shoulder the extent of activity in the improvement of spin in two course of treatment , after statistics processing P0.05 . suggests that the value of the two groups in improving the symptoms without obvious difference . Conclusion : 1 .

  9. 治疗后,治疗组和对照组疼痛、功能、活动范围及总评分分别与治疗前进行比较,发现其各组的评分均明显高于治疗前,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    After treatment , The two groups were compared with those before treatment and found that the score in each group after treatment was significantly higher than that before treatment , it was significant ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 结论CPM联合高压氧疗法能有效防止再粘连,减轻术后疼痛及肿胀,减少切口裂开等并发症的发生,能尽快达到满意活动范围。

    Conclusions It can prevent adherence , alleviate pain and swelling and reduce incision disruption with CPM and HBO , which is beneficial for rang of motion recovery .

  11. 康复治疗组术后进行早期康复训练,比较两组患者出院时手术侧髋主动活动范围(AROM)和功能独立性评定(FIM)。

    Active range of motion ( AROM ) of operated hip and functional independence measure ( FIM ) at discharge were compared .

  12. 野生壁蜂的主要活动范围是在70m以内,超过90m其传授花粉的效果不明显。

    As the wild wall bee had main moving range of 70m , there was no obvious offect of pollination when it moved over 90m .

  13. 同时,针对国家濒危野生动物携带标记困难并且其活动范围大多是人迹罕至的地方,具有监测范围广、地形复杂、环境噪声大等特点,研究WSN中无需携带标签的被动式目标定位方法。

    However it is difficult for national endangered wildlife to carry the tag and the scope of its activities are mostly inaccessible places , with complex terrain and ambient noise . Therefore we study the passive object location methods of WSN .

  14. 1996年后,枯水季节江豚不再进行江&湖迁移,其活动范围仅限于20km的长江八里江江段,较1993年以前缩短了约40km。

    After 1996 , the porpoise no longer migrated between the Yangtze mainstream and Poyang Lake during the dry season , migration range was cut down 40 km .

  15. 比较两组患者治疗后手术侧髋主动活动范围(AROM)、疼痛程度的视觉模糊评分(VAS)和日常生活能力的功能独立性评定(FIM)。

    After treatment , active range of motion ( AROM ), pain degree , visual analog scale ( VAS ) and functional independence measure ( FIM ) in the affected hip were compared between the two groups .

  16. 角度测量是自C2/3至C7/T1逐个节段测量其终板所成夹角,前曲与后伸位测得的夹角相加得出单个节段椎间隙活动范围,比较手术前、后角度变化。

    To measure the angle which composed of terminal plates of C2 / 3 to C7 / T1 , added the angle of procurvation and retroflexion each segment to get the extension of the intervertebral space and compare the change with them .

  17. 为了解隧道开挖后顶板岩层活动范围及其对隧道支护体的影响,对埋深为700m的隧道多层状顶板岩体,采用两种方式对其顶板围岩破坏形式进行了数值模拟研究和理论分析。

    In order to inquire into the activities of roof rocks and its influence on tunnel support , two methods are used to analyze the failure forms of multilayer roof rocks of a tunnel which is buried in depth of 700 m.

  18. 目的探讨第一跖楔关节(FTJ)矢状面的活动范围与拇外翻的病理生理机制及治疗的关系。

    Objective To study sagittal mobility about the FTJ ( first tarsometatarsal joint ) and its relationship with the pathophysiology and treatment of hallux valgus patients .

  19. 定量运动分析确定颈椎整体变化(C2-C7)、治疗节段矢状位形态、椎间隙高度及活动范围。

    Quantitative motion analysis determined the change in overall ( C2 – C7 ) and treatment-level sagittal alignment , disc space heights , and range of motion .

  20. 目的延迟性肌肉疼痛(DOMS)是困扰运动界多年的问题,DOMS会造成肌肉酸痛、肌肉收缩力量下降、肌肉肿胀、关节活动范围减小等现象。

    Objective Delayed onset muscle soreness ( DOMS ) is a troubled sector over the years and the issue of exercise , DOMS can cause muscle soreness , muscle contraction force declined , muscle swelling , decreased range of joint activities and so on .

  21. 你的活动范围应该只限于记录事实。

    You ought to limit your activities to recording the facts .

  22. 基于工效评价的手动作业活动范围研究

    Study on Range of Motion of Manual Performance for Ergonomics Evaluation

  23. 现代公共财政理论是建立在现代市场经济的基础之上的,是针对由私人部门经济和公共部门经济的混合并存的情况,从矫正市场失灵出发来界定政府经济活动范围和职责。

    Modern finance is based on the modern market economy .

  24. 关节平均活动范围为115°。

    The average locomotion of the elbow was 115 degree .

  25. 根据术后肩关节活动范围进行效果评价。

    Clinical evaluations were made on functions of shoulder joint .

  26. 社会企业家活动范围相差甚远。

    The level of social entrepreneurial activity can vary greatly .

  27. 我们用无线电项圈来研究它们的活动范围。

    We use radio collars to study their home range .

  28. 在整个活动范围内,手轮应该能够旋转自如。

    Handwheel should turn freely over full range of travel .

  29. 而他们的活动范围也在现世。

    The sphere of its action was to be this present life .

  30. 论公共经济活动范围的合理界定

    Rational Definition of the Range of the Public Economic Activities