
  • 网络Dong-Dang;DongDang;tong dang
  1. 为参加时装秀,它的体重已减至43公斤(合95磅),但仍未达到可以与模特同登T台的安全标准。

    But it still hasn 't cleared safety standards required to share the catwalk with human models .

  2. 中国精英企业结队同登创富旗舰,联袂携手共赴印度淘金盛宴的旅程即将启航。

    The Chinese outstanding enterprises ties team to take the wealth-made ship together , the sail of going to India feast hand in hand will set forth .

  3. 我国开展的跨境经济合作区主要有中哈霍尔果斯国际边境合作中心、中越凭祥&同登跨境经济合作区以及在云南省开展的中越、中缅、中老跨境经济合作区,并取得了一定成果。

    The cross-border economic cooperation zones carried out in our country are China Kazakstan International Border Cooperation Center , China Vietnam Cross-border Economic Cooperation Zone and Cross-border Economic Cooperation Zones in Yunnan Province which have achieved some achievements .

  4. 当然我读过他所有的书,看过所有他作品改编的电影虽然都很赞,但我还是要说只有《最长的旅行》才能和《恋恋笔记本》同登榜首。

    Oh course , I have read all his books and have seen all his movies & they are all great however , I will say The Longest Ride is at the top of the list with The Notebook .

  5. 那些编辑不大可能为了替某个不出名的上校作宣传而把同一篇故事登两次。

    The editors were not likely to run the same story twice just to give some publicity to some obscure colonel .