
tóng bāo
  • compatriot;sibbing;fellow countryman;neighbor;born of the same parents;fellow country man
同胞 [tóng bāo]
  • [born of the same parents] 同父母所生的

  • 同胞兄弟

  • [fellow country man;compatriot] 指同一国家或同一民族的人

  • 台湾同胞

同胞[tóng bāo]
  1. 桑普拉斯好像注定要在决赛中遇上他的同胞阿加西。

    Sampras looks set to play his fellow countryman Agassi in the final .

  2. 他在去年的决赛中输给了自己的同胞迈克尔·施蒂希。

    He lost last year 's final to fellow countryman Michael Stich .

  3. 他在半决赛中与他的一位同胞选手对垒。

    He played against one of his compatriots in the semi-final .

  4. 我们必须支持弱势的同胞。

    We must support our weaker brethren .

  5. 她和女儿都瞧不起自己的同胞。

    She shared her daughter 's disdain for her fellow countrymen .

  6. 他呼吁自己的同胞不要丧失信心。

    He appealed to his countrymen not to lose heart .

  7. 他鼓动他的同胞们报仇雪恨。

    He incited his fellow citizens to take their revenge

  8. 他告诉记者他是来支持拉脱维亚同胞的。

    He told reporters he 'd come to be with his Latvian brothers .

  9. 他只能读读同胞们成功的故事来安慰自己。

    He will have to console himself by reading about the success of his compatriots

  10. 英国的马蒂娜·勒穆瓦昂南通过四局的比赛击败了同胞苏珊娜·霍纳。

    Britain 's Martine Le Moignan defeated her countrywoman Suzanne Horner in four games .

  11. 他决意营救自己的两名同胞。

    He determined to rescue his two countrymen

  12. 她已经决定,作为医生,她应该对自己的同胞负责。

    She had decided that as a doctor she had a responsibility to her fellow creatures .

  13. 一小撮受过良好教育的精英分子从他们200万同胞的贫苦生活中获取利益。

    A tiny , educated elite profited from the misery of their two million fellow countrymen .

  14. 他从来不会因为对澳大利亚的热爱而看不到自己同胞的缺点。

    He never allowed his love of Australia to blind him to his countrymen 's faults .

  15. 我们觉得自己万分无助,而这时我们的女同胞们向我们伸出了援助之手。

    We found that we were totally helpless , and our women came through for us .

  16. 祖国人民对海外同胞深为关怀。

    The Chinese residents overseas are much in the thoughts of the people at home .

  17. 杰斐逊曾恭贺他的同胞有一块得天独厚的国土。

    Jefferson had congratulated his fellow-citizens on possessing a chosen country .

  18. 英国人、加拿大人和美国人可以称作是同胞。

    The british , canadians and Americans might be called cousins .

  19. 别上绿色的丝带,为灾区同胞祈福!

    Wear a green ribbon and show your respect to the quake victims !

  20. 数不尽的世代以来,渺渺苍天曾为我同胞们洒下多少同情之泪。

    Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold .

  21. 当按区和区内半同胞家系对数据作谱系分析时,我们发现分化很厉害。

    When the data were analyzed hierarchically by regions and half-sib families in regions , considerable differentiation was found .

  22. 然而只有对比自我更大的东西作出承诺,比如爱人、人类同胞、工作或某种道德观念,才能实现意义。

    However , we can achieve meaning only if we have made a commitment to something larger than our own little egos , whether to loved ones , to fellow humans , to work , or to some moral concept .

  23. 领事的职责是帮助自己的同胞。

    A consul 's duty is to help his own nationals .

  24. 他的同胞兄弟们发出亲昵的嚎叫,欢迎他落难归来。

    His brothers welcomed him with most friendly growls1 .

  25. 一个三胞胎睡在其两个同胞之间

    A triplet sleeps amongst its two siblings .

  26. 自六月份在温网被同胞库德里亚夫采娃在第二轮比赛中击败之后,周三的蒙特利尔杯比赛是莎娃参加的第一场比赛。在与杜马乔夫斯卡激战的三个小时中,她两度接受肩部治疗。

    Playing her first match since a shock second-round defeat by compatriot Alla Kudryavtseva at Wimbledon in June , Sharapova twice received treatment on her shoulder during her three-hour battle with Domachowska in Montreal on Wednesday .

  27. 我们会继续努力,进一步提高中国护照的“含金量”,让同胞们更直接地感受到作为中国人的尊严。

    We will continue to work hard to improve the value of Chinese passports , so that our compatriots can more directly feel the dignity of being a Chinese and will find it easier to travel abroad .

  28. 马晓光在发布会上介绍,台湾疫情暴发以来,大陆第一时间表达了愿意向台湾同胞提供大陆疫苗,支持民间机构向台湾同胞捐赠疫苗。

    As soon as the outbreak began in Taiwan , the mainland expressed its willingness to make prompt arrangements to provide the island with vaccines and to support NGOs in donating them to Taiwan compatriots , Ma said .

  29. “每个公民都要关心政治,而责任意识、大局意识,同胞情怀,和尚也同样应该有”。

    SHI MINGSHENG , NPC deputy and abbot of the Guangxiao Temple in Guangzhou , Guangdong province " Every citizen should care about politics and have the consciousness of responsibility as well as love for our compatriots . And a monk should , also . " ZHENG HUIQIANG , member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice-president of Tongji University

  30. 湿地松优良半同胞家系光和CO2响应曲线特征参数的变异规律

    The variance rule of character parameters responding to light and CO_2 of slash pine 's half-sib