
tóng xiàng
  • in-phase;same-phase;phase coincidence
同相[tóng xiàng]
  1. 所述传输支路可以是同相(I)支路或正交(Q)支路。

    The transmission branch may be the In-Phase ( I ) branch or the Quadrature ( Q ) branch .

  2. 当较多的子载波同相时,就会产生较高的PAPR。

    When many subcarriers are in-phase , high PAPR is produced .

  3. 同相牵引供电系统PWM整流环节仿真的研究

    Cophase Traction Supply System Based on the Simulation of PWM Rectification Part

  4. 第二部分对如何得到同相锁定相干输出的板条形CO2光波导进行设计计算;

    Then the calculation of the slab waveguide CO_2 laser with phase locking coherence output is described .

  5. 本文介绍了一种中频直接采样的硬件实现方案,即只用一片A/D变换器直接对中频带限信号采样,经数字处理获得同相(I)和正交(Q)两路数字信号。

    A method is proposed to implement the direct digital sampling of iF bandpass signal .

  6. 并基于MATLAB软件搭建了混合补偿式同相牵引供电系统仿真平台,验证了这种方案的可行性。

    And the paper put up the hybrid compensation co-phase traction power supply system simulation platform based on MATLAB .

  7. 自同步直线振动筛CAD设计与仿真机电耦合情况下振动机的同相同步特性

    The CAD / CAE of the Self-synchronizing Liner Shaker ; Cophase and Synchronous Characteristic of Vibration Machine Under Electromechanical Coupling Condition

  8. 最后在时间切片上作Radon反投影,便能实现真倾角同相轴的偏移归位。

    Achieve a true-dip migration by doing Radon inverse projection of time slice .

  9. 提出了一种新颖的基于CCⅡ+(同相第二代电流传输器)的高Q(品质因数)值二阶低通和高通滤波器电路。

    High Q ( quality factor ) second order lowpass filter and highpass filter are presented .

  10. 基于小波分析及CB形态滤波的地震同相轴检测

    Seismic event detection based on wavelet analysis and CB shaping filtering

  11. 试验结果表明:①PS波在波形记录上有明显的同相轴显示,并呈双曲线形状;

    The experiment result shows the following properties : 1 . PS wave events in hyperbola form are obvious .

  12. Radon变换方法在地震资料处理中广泛采用,在地震同相轴识别和估计方面具有良好效果。

    Radon transformation is employed commonly in seismic data processing , especially in the events identification and estimation .

  13. 同相供电装置实质是由两个背靠背电压型PWM变流器构成的综合潮流控制器。

    Actually , the cophased supply device is an integrated power flow controller which consists of two back-to-back voltage source PWM converter .

  14. 集成运算放大器同相和反相形式的En-In噪声分析和比较

    The e_n-i_n noise analysis and comparison of in - phase and inverting forms of integrated operational amplifier

  15. 通过Matlab仿真,验证了理论分析的正确性,并进一步说明了,对采用同相调制算法的变频器,注入3次谐波将导致共模电压增加。

    Simulations with Matlab prove the correctness of theoretic analysis and illuminate that the third-order harmonic injection into inverter controlled by in-phase modulation will increase common-mode voltage .

  16. 二极管激光阵列在Talbot外腔中同相模的选择

    In-phase mode selection of diode laser array in external Talbot cavity

  17. 按常规动校正处理中选用的叠加速度函数V(T0)计算动校正量,势必使动校后的反射波同相轴仍对不齐,影响叠加效果。

    As a result , NMO correction using stack velocity function V ( T_o ) can not thoroughly remove moveout , and stack effect will be unsatisfactory .

  18. 给出了千瓦级同相功率合成实用电路,为RF发射机的设计提供了参考依据。

    A kilowatt-level synthetic circuit applying the same phase power is given , which provides a reference basis for the design of the RF emission machine .

  19. 与被测负载电流瞬时值成比例的信号ui加到比较器的同相输入端。

    The signal u_i , which is in direct proportion to the controled load current instantaneous value , is delivered to the homo-phase input terminal of the comparator .

  20. 本文证明了耦合Hodgkin-Huxley方程中同相解的稳定性。

    The paper proves the stability of in-phase solutions in the coupled Hodgkin-Huxley equations .

  21. 利用信号子空间分解技术,不仅可以分离3D地震资料中的信号和噪声,而且可以进一步根据地震同相轴的倾角不同,将混合信号进行分解得到单个同相轴信号。

    By exploiting the SSD technique , we can decompose not only the signal and noise in 3-D seismic data , but also the composite event into single events according to their different dips .

  22. 在处理地震资料时,用常规的SVD滤波器不能有效地提高非水平同相轴的信噪比。

    In data processing , conventional SVD filter fails to nicely raise the signal / noiseratio of non & horizontal events .

  23. 该因子与界面NMO速度、偏移距、界面自激自收旅行时,时移之间建立了直接的定量关系,揭示出常规NMO过程不仅会使同相轴发生反转,而且还会加剧同相轴动校拉伸。

    Quantitative relations between NMO velocity , offset , zero travel-time , and moveout were established .

  24. Radon变换已广泛应用于地震资料的处理和解释中,在地震同相轴识别、波场分离、压制多次波、速度分析等方面具有良好的效果。

    Radon transform is employed widely in seismic data processing and interpretation , especially in the events identification , wave field separation , de-multiple , velocity analysis etc.

  25. 其通过同相接法驱动IPM,调速算法则采用SVPWM空间矢量算法。

    The IPM is driven in the same way , and the SVPWM space vector algorithm is adopted by velocity modulation algorithm .

  26. 在用于检测同相轴的Duffing型系统中,非线性恢复力项的选取至关重要。

    In the Duffing type systems used for detecting events , it is vital to select the nonlinear resilience item .

  27. 可是,CANBERRA台的变化又和HONOLULU台同相。

    However , the Z variation of CANBERRA changes its phase as the same with that for HONOLULU .

  28. 仿真结果基本符合同频同相的要求,电流谐波总畸变率THD满足国际标准。

    Simulation results are consistent with the requirements of same frequency and phase , the current total harmonic distortion THD meet international standards .

  29. 针对这个问题,作者提出了一种新的技术:它将同相轴的自动追踪与SVD去噪技术有机地结合起来;

    So in this paper , the authors proposed a new technology to solve this problem . It combines the automatic event search with the SVD technology .

  30. 从能量角度提出了一个用于描述裂纹扩展能力的参量ΔW,在相同ΔW值下,同相热疲劳寿命和异相热疲劳相等。

    A parameter Δ W is proposed from energy aspect to characterize the capacity of crack propagation . The in-phase thermal fatigue life is the same as the out-of-phase thermal fatigue life for identical Δ W values .