
  • 网络Same-sex Marriage;same sex marriage;Gay Marriage;Civil Partnership;gayriage
  1. 2015年,在美国最高法院判决裁定同性婚姻合法后,Facebook推出了彩虹滤镜功能。

    In 2015 , Facebook introduced a rainbow filter afterthe US Supreme Court decision ruling that same-sex marriage was legal nationwide .

  2. 差不多在一年前的这个时候,美国同性恋群体正在庆祝其最辛酸的胜利之一——美国最高法院(USSupremeCourt)裁定同性婚姻受宪法保护。

    Almost exactly a year ago the US gay community was celebrating one of its most poignant victories - the Supreme Court ruling that same-sex marriage was protected by the constitution .

  3. 同性婚姻(civilunion)在科罗拉多州合法化。

    Civil unions are now legal in Colorado .

  4. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报道,如果政府决定这么做,越南将是第一个承认同性婚姻的亚洲国家。

    If it does , the country would be the first in Asia to do so , the Associated Press reported .

  5. 婚宴结束后,休斯与塞恩就在Facebook上更新了同性婚姻的身份图标。

    Shortly after the event , the pair had matching gay marriage symbols adorning their Facebook timelines 。

  6. 10年前,反对同性婚姻的立场帮助乔治圠布什(GeorgeW.Bush)以微弱优势赢得总统连任。

    Ten years ago , opposition to gay marriage powered George W. Bush 's narrow re-election victory .

  7. 同性婚姻联盟TheFour的领导人布莱恩-艾而纳说:我们创造了历史,发出了强烈的讯息,那就是我们已经达到了承认同性权利的临界点。

    We made history and sent a powerful message that we have truly reached a tipping point on gay and lesbian civil rights in this country , said Brian Ellner , head of the pro-gay marriage group The Four .

  8. Raymond希望联邦政府也可以在不久的未来承认同性婚姻的合法性。

    Raymond hopes it will not be long before the Federal Government also recognizes same sex marriages .

  9. 加兰:你们两个都是搭建桥梁的人。埃尔顿跑去跟拉什·林堡(RushLimbaugh,以保守出名的脱口秀主持人)聊同性婚姻;

    PG : You 're both bridge-builders : Elton talking to Rush Limbaugh about gay marriage ;

  10. 其中一名来自布法罗的参议员MarkGrisanti因为宗教原因反对同性婚姻,但他无法为剥夺同性恋夫妇该州赋予已婚夫妇的1324项权力和法律保护辩护。

    One , Mark Grisanti of Buffalo , opposed gay marriage for religious reasons , but could not justify denying to gay couples the 1324 rights and legal protections the state offers married couples .

  11. 2013年5月,由盖洛普民意测验公司(Gallup,美国统计学家,盖洛普民意测验创始人)发起的一项调查显示,超过半数美国人都支持同性婚姻。

    In May 2013 , Gallup conducted a poll that found that more than half Americans support same-sex marriage .

  12. 投出决定性赞成票的大法官安东尼•肯尼迪(JusticeAnthonyKennedy)在撰写多方意见时称:(婚姻保护法)将同性婚姻置于二等婚姻的不稳定地位。

    This [ Doma ] places same-sex couples in an unstable position of being in a second-tier marriage , Justice Anthony Kennedy , the swing vote on the court , wrote in the opinion for the majority .

  13. Elise说:我们很可能就是纽约的第一对都选择了同性婚姻的兄妹了。

    " We might be the first same sex sibling double wedding in New York state ," said Elise excitedly .

  14. 大约36小时以前,州长AndrewCuomo签署了一项法案使之成为法律,使纽约成为了第六个同性婚姻合法化的州,也是人口最多的一个。

    Some 36 hours earlier , New York had become the sixth and most-populous state to legalise same-sex marriage when the governor , Andrew Cuomo , signed the bill into law .

  15. 在其中,最高法院以5:4的票数认定《保护婚姻法案》(DOMA)违宪,在这项法案中禁止联邦政府承认的同性婚姻。

    In one , the court by a 5-4 majority striking down DOMA , which among other things barred federal recognition of same-sex marriage .

  16. 都柏林&爱尔兰成为世界上首个通过全民投票将同性婚姻合法化的国家,次日清晨,都柏林总主教迪亚姆德·马丁(DiarmuidMartin)思索着罗马天主教的未来在何方。

    DUBLIN &   The morning after Ireland learned it had become the first nation to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote , Diarmuid Martin , the archbishop of Dublin , looked out at the future of the Roman Catholic Church .

  17. 第4章,思考我国同性婚姻立法的路径选择。

    Chapter 4 , choose the path of same-sex marriage legislation .

  18. 大约48%的人称同性婚姻不应该是合法的。

    Around 48 percent say same-sex marriages should not be legal .

  19. 英国是第15个同性婚姻合法化的国家。

    Britain is the 15th country to legalize same sex marriage .

  20. 同性婚姻与我国区际私法中的公共秩序保留

    Same-Sex Marriage and the Public Policy in China Inter-regional Private Law

  21. 加国同性婚姻草案的风波

    The Disturbance of Marriage of the Same Sex Draft in Canada

  22. 你能告诉大家同性婚姻是啥么?

    Could you tell us what gay marriage is ? Ah .

  23. 最高法院预计在同性婚姻合法化中发表自己的言论。

    The Supreme Court is expected to weigh in on same-sex marriage .

  24. 美国国税局已经为同性婚姻伴侣颁布了新的税收方针。

    The IRS has issued new tax guidance for married same-sex couples .

  25. 我在全国各地巡回演讲,为同性婚姻呼吁辩护时。

    I go around the country debating same sex marriage .

  26. 二是切实有效地允许在加利福尼亚的同性婚姻。

    The other effectively allowing same-sex marriage in the state of California .

  27. 迪克·切尼今天说,他支持同性婚姻。

    Dick Cheney said today , he supports gay marriage .

  28. 在马里兰州,同性婚姻措施的支持率为52%。

    In Maryland , the measure passed 52 percent to 48 percent .

  29. 科罗拉多州成为允许同性婚姻的州。

    Colorado is the latest state to approve civil unions .

  30. 他在竞选活动中支持上述三个州的同性婚姻措施。

    His campaign endorsed the gay marriage measures in the three states .